I am trying to rename the categories in a dataframe after removing the unicode u with a .replace('u','',regex) method due to the method removing the other 'u's in the text as well. I have tried using the replace, and the rename_categories method to change the categories into desired format using a dictionary to map but it remains unchanged after removing the unicode u. Does anyone know a better way I can approach this? I have attached a link to the CSV I am working with.
'''uploaded = files.upload()
yelpdf = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(uploaded['yelp_reviews.csv']))
yelpdf['NoiseLevel'] = yelpdf['NoiseLevel'].astype(str)
update_NoiseLevel = {'average': 'Average', 'lod': 'Loud', 'qiet': 'Quiet', 'very_lod': 'Very Loud'}
yelpdf['NoiseLevel'] = yelpdf['NoiseLevel'].replace('u','',regex=True)
yelpdf['NoiseLevel'] = yelpdf['NoiseLevel'].astype('category')
yelpdf['NoiseLevel'] = yelpdf['NoiseLevel'].cat.rename_categories(update_NoiseLevel)
yelpdf['NoiseLevel'] = yelpdf['NoiseLevel'].replace(update_NoiseLevel)
its a CSV file with yelp data and this issue is occurring within the NoiseLevel column
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71682398/unable-to-rename-replace-categories-in-a-dataframe-after-removing-unicode-u
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