I'm writing a program which should produce an output of something like this:
`Enter an integer (or Q to quit): 1
Enter an integer (or Q to quit): 2
Enter an integer (or Q to quit): 3
Enter an integer (or Q to quit): Q
(1 x 1) + (2 x 2) + (3 x 3) = 14`
So far, I've gotten the display of the equation right, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually get the total of the equation. Currently, the total displays 18 instead of the expected 14.
Here's my code so far:
`int_list = [] # initiate list
while True:
user_input = input("Enter an integer (or Q to quit): ") # get user input
if user_input == "Q": # break loop if user enters Q
integer = int(user_input) # convert user_input to an integer to add to list
int_list.append(integer) # add the integers entered to the list
for i in range(0, len(int_list)):
template = ("({0} x {1})".format(int_list[i], int_list[i]))
if i == len(int_list)-1:
trailing = " = "
trailing = " + "
print(template, end="")
print(trailing, end="")
for i in range(0, len(int_list)):
x = (int_list[i]*int_list[i])
add = (x+x)
Any help would be greatly appreciated :))
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67766673/python-program-to-add-the-squares-of-numbers-in-list-which-have-been-entered-by
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