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How to process asynchronously such a data structure?

I need help, I can't figure out how to process such a data structure asynchronously?

markets = {
    'AAAA': [
        [100, 500, 300], # chunk 1
        [101, 501, 301], # chunk 2
        [102, 502, 302], # chunk 3
        [103, 503, 303], # chunk 4
    'BBBB': [
        [110, 510, 310], # chunk 1
        [111, 511, 311], # chunk 2
        [112, 512, 312], # chunk 3
        [113, 513, 313], # chunk 4
    'CCCC': [
        [120, 520, 320], # chunk 1
        [121, 521, 321], # chunk 2
        [122, 522, 322], # chunk 3
        [114, 514, 314], # chunk 4

What is the meaning of the example, I have stores, and I need to update the product data via the API, I need to do this as quickly as possible, but I can't make too many requests to the store. I solved this problem by splitting this task into parts of 3 pieces (numbers symbolize each individual task) and an array of numbers symbolizes a chunk

  1. I want to create a coroutine for all markets
  2. In each market, the chunk brothers sequentially, and send it for processing
  3. Each chunk value must be processed in a coroutine
  4. Return the processed data in the same form

If you imagine it in the form of a diagram, it looks something like this

enter image description here

My complete code that I'm trying to revive, however, there are a lot of errors in it, and I'm starting to think that I'm doing everything wrong at all

import asyncio

markets = {
    'AAAA': [
        [100, 500, 300],
        [101, 501, 301],
        [102, 502, 302],
        [103, 503, 303],
    'BBBB': [
        [110, 510, 310],
        [111, 511, 311],
        [112, 512, 312],
        [113, 513, 313],
    'CCCC': [
        [120, 520, 320],
        [121, 521, 321],
        [122, 522, 322],
        [114, 514, 314],

async def plus(number):
    return number + 1000

async def load(chunks):
    calculated = []
    for number in chunks:
        calculated += [await plus(number)]
    return calculated

async def store(data):
    response = []
    for chunks in data:
        response += [await load(chunks)]
    return await asyncio.gather(*response)

async def main():
    coroutines_markets = {}
    for markets_id, data in markets.items():
        coroutines_markets[markets_id] = [await store(data)]
    processed = await asyncio.gather(*coroutines_markets)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

Perhaps you can help me make the logic of processing this thing?



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