I am developing a mobile app with Cordova and I have framework7 library in my template. Everything works smoothly on the Cordova browser platform. However, when I run it on the iOS platform, my menu links do not work.
There is no console error output.
My app.js
// Dom7
var $ = Dom7;
// Init App
var app = new Framework7({
root: '#app',
theme: 'ios',
routes: routes,
view: {
pushState: false,
el: '.my-sheet-swipe-to-close',
swipeToClose: true,
backdrop: true,
var mainView = app.views.create('.view-main', {
url: './index.html'
My routes.js
"use strict";
var routes = [
path: '/',
Url: './index.html',
path: '/ads/',
url: './ads.html',
path: '/ads-details/',
url: './ads-details.html',
path: '/add-ads/',
url: './add-ads.html',
My index.html
<div class="list">
<a href="/my-ads/" data-transition="f7-dive" class="item-link item-content panel-close">
<div class="item-media">
<ion-icon name="duplicate-outline" class="color-blue"></ion-icon>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title">My Ads</div>
<!-- more... -->
<!-- more... -->
<!-- script -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/framework7.bundle.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ionicons@5.0.0/dist/ionicons.js"></script>
<script src="js/routes.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<!-- end script -->
I tried uninstalling framework7, this time when I ran the application I didn't get any images because index.html was not loaded.
I bought the theme through themeforest, I tried to contact the seller, but he didn't fill in anything for communication, I guess he stopped providing support, I can't contact him in any way.
Furthermore, I looked at the documentation of the theme, nothing is mentioned in the subject.
Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/240ATUY
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