I run CCA on a set of variables and got 4 components significant after fdr correction. Each components got top vars extracted by thresholding the cca weight at 0.2 and now I wanted to plot the components and top vars in each fc and sc as seen bellow of the code:
import os
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cross_decomposition import CCA
from scipy.stats import percentileofscore
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
from sklearn.utils import resample
from nxviz import CircosPlot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
#Set seed
# Load data
def load_data(file_name):
return pd.read_csv(file_name)
# Canonical Correlation Analysis
def calculate_canonical_loadings(X, Y):
cca = CCA(n_components=69, max_iter=5000)
cca.fit(X, Y)
X_c, Y_c = cca.transform(X, Y)
return np.corrcoef(X_c.T, Y_c.T)[:X_c.shape[1], X_c.shape[1]:], cca
# Bootstrap for CCA coefficients
def bootstrap_cca_coefficients(X, Y, n_iterations=1000, alpha=0.05):
bootstrap_coefs = []
cca = CCA(n_components=69, max_iter=5000)
for _ in range(n_iterations):
resampled_X, resampled_Y = resample(X, Y)
cca.fit(resampled_X, resampled_Y)
lower, upper = np.percentile(bootstrap_coefs, [alpha/2*100, (1-alpha/2)*100], axis=0)
return lower, upper
def permutation_test_cca(X, Y, observed_corr, n_iterations=1000):
p_values = np.zeros(observed_corr.shape[0])
permuted_corr = np.zeros((n_iterations, observed_corr.shape[0]))
cca = CCA(n_components=69, max_iter=5000)
for i in range(n_iterations):
shuffled_X = np.random.permutation(X)
shuffled_Y = np.random.permutation(Y)
cca.fit(shuffled_X, shuffled_Y)
X_c, Y_c = cca.transform(shuffled_X, shuffled_Y)
permuted_corr[i] = np.diag(np.corrcoef(X_c.T, Y_c.T)[:X_c.shape[1], X_c.shape[1]:])
p_values = 1 - np.array([percentileofscore(permuted_corr[:, i], observed_corr[i]) / 100 for i in range(observed_corr.shape[0])])
return p_values
# Extract top variable names
def get_top_variable_names_for_significant_components(data, weights, significant_indices, threshold=0.2):
top_variable_names = {}
column_names = data.columns
for index in significant_indices:
weight_vector = weights[:, index]
top_variable_indices = np.where(np.abs(weight_vector) >= threshold)[0]
top_variable_names[index] = column_names[top_variable_indices].tolist()
return top_variable_names
# Function to prepare CCA data for Circos plot
def prepare_cca_data_for_circos(top_fc_variable_names, top_sc_variable_names, observed_corr, significant_fdr):
edge_list = []
for comp in significant_fdr:
for fc_var in top_fc_variable_names[comp]:
for sc_var in top_sc_variable_names[comp]:
edge_list.append((fc_var, sc_var, observed_corr[comp, comp]))
return edge_list
# Function to plot Circos plot
def plot_circos(edge_list):
G = nx.Graph()
for fc_var, sc_var, weight in edge_list:
G.add_edge(fc_var, sc_var, weight=weight)
c = CircosPlot(G, node_color="class", node_order="class", node_labels=True)
# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
desktop_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/struc_func/The_NMF_Run_data")
fc_data = load_data("top_vars_nmf_struc.csv")
sc_data = load_data("top_vars_nmf_func.csv")
scaler = StandardScaler()
fc_data_standardized = scaler.fit_transform(fc_data)
sc_data_standardized = scaler.fit_transform(sc_data)
observed_corr, cca = calculate_canonical_loadings(fc_data_standardized, sc_data_standardized)
p_values = permutation_test_cca(fc_data_standardized, sc_data_standardized, np.diag(observed_corr))
reject, pvals_corrected, _, _ = multipletests(p_values, alpha=0.05, method='fdr_bh')
significant_fdr = np.where(pvals_corrected < 0.05)[0]
if len(significant_fdr) > 0:
top_fc_variable_names = get_top_variable_names_for_significant_components(fc_data, cca.x_weights_, significant_fdr, threshold=0.2)
top_sc_variable_names = get_top_variable_names_for_significant_components(sc_data, cca.y_weights_, significant_fdr, threshold=0.2)
edge_list = prepare_cca_data_for_circos(top_fc_variable_names, top_sc_variable_names, observed_corr, significant_fdr)
print("No significant components found after FDR correction.")
Plotting (circos)
def generate_circos_plot_matplotlib(nodes, links, top_fc_variable_names=None, top_sc_variable_names=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
N = len(nodes)
# Sort the nodes by their 'color' property for better visualization
sorted_nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: x['color'])
# Generate theta values
theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False)
# Create the node points on the circle
for i, node in enumerate(sorted_nodes):
ax.scatter(theta[i], 1, c=node['color'], s=300)
ax.text(theta[i], 1.1, node['label'], ha='center')
# Add logic to highlight top variables (if provided)
if top_fc_variable_names and top_sc_variable_names:
# Your logic to highlight top variables goes here.
# Create links
for link in links:
source_idx = next((i for i, node in enumerate(sorted_nodes) if node['id'] == link['source']), None)
target_idx = next((i for i, node in enumerate(sorted_nodes) if node['id'] == link['target']), None)
if source_idx is None or target_idx is None:
# Convert the weights to color
color_intensity = np.clip(link['value'], 0, 1)
color = (1 - color_intensity, 0.2, color_intensity)
ax.plot([theta[source_idx], theta[target_idx]], [1, 1], c=color, lw=2*link['value'])
But I was not successful in achieving my goal, I know the I ran the CCA correctly. I appreciate any help in plotting this.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77137376/circos-plotting-the-cca-results
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