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How To Simulate Pressing Special Keys In JavaScript?

I'm trying to simulate user keyboard input and have read through the answers for this post , but the answer(s) don't work for special keys such as $ . For example, when I try to simulate pressing $ with let data = { code: "Digit4", key: "$", keyCode: 52, shiftKey: true }; let key_event = new KeyboardEvent("keypress", data); myElement.dispatchEvent(key_event); 4 gets pressed/printed, not $ . If I change keypress to keydown or keyup, then nothing happens. What is the correct way to simulate the user pressing a special key like $ then? Also, I'm on Mac/Chrome if it matters Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

How to use React router as html script ? cant find createBrowserHistory from @remix-run/router when am using react/components/router in plain html

I know how to make react applications using 'create-react-app' but in this particular use case i need to include all the dependencies from cdns the components need to be dynamically generated via php and are to be included as babel src script tags then babel Babel.transformScriptTags(); needs to be run to start the react application. This is the sctrict requirement in my situation that all of this needs to be generated dynamically via php then when all is loaded in browser i need to stert the react app on the client side. For brevity to present here i have just included the code in script tags as static in the same html file. When i am just only displaying the components the react app does start this problem arises when i am using react router as a js file; The issue here is react router cant find the "createBrowserHistory" also the route does not render giving error "React.createElement: type is invalid" "index.tsx:341 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot re

How can I detect when the line has crossed both sides of my curve?

Is there a way of detecting when the line (drawn by the mouse) has interseted both sides of the curve? The aim of my game is for the user to successfully cut the object using the mouse.[ ] let level4; window.onload = function() { let gameConfig = { transparent: true, type: Phaser.AUTO, scale: { mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT, autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH, parent: "thegame", width: 600, height: 700 }, scene: scene4, physics: { default: "matter", matter: { gravity: { y: 0 }, debug: true, } } } level4 = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig); window.focus(); } let levelText; class scene4 extends Phaser.Scene{ constructor(){ super(); } create(){ const graphics =; const path = new Phaser.Cur

Fastest way to find the size of the union of two lists/sets? Coding Efficiency

I am conducting research on the relationships between different communities on Reddit. As part of my data research I have about 49,000 CSV's for sub I scraped and of all the posts I could get I got each commentator and thier total karma and number of comments (see pic for format) Each CSV contains all the commentors I have collected for that individual sub. I want to take each sub and then compare it to another sub and identify how many users they have in common. I dont need a list of what users they are just the amount the two have in common. I also want to set a karma threshold for the code I currently have it is set to more than 30 karma. For the code I have I prepare two lists of users who are over the threshold then I convert both those lists to sets and then "&" them together. Here is my code:    Since I am re-reading the same CSVs over and over again to compare to each other can I prepare them to make this more efficient, sort user names alphabetically? I p

sequelise with postgreSQL: column doesnt exist

i am trying to make a small webservice with nodejs, express, pogreSQL database using sequelise. Created the database using this in psql CREATE TABLE Contacts ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, phoneNumber bigint, email VARCHAR(255), linkedId INTEGER, linkPrecedence VARCHAR(20), createdAt TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW(), updatedAt TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW(), deletedAt TIMESTAMPTZ, FOREIGN KEY (linkedId) REFERENCES Contacts (id) ); Defined the contact model in contacts.js as const { DataTypes } = require("sequelize"); const sequelize = require("./database"); // Define the Contact model const contacts = sequelize.define( "contacts", { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, autoIncrement: true, allowNull: false, primaryKey: true, }, phoneNumber: { type: DataTypes.BIGINT, allowNull: true, }, email: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: true, }, linkedId: { type

I wrote swiper but when the screen is zoomed behaves terribly how can I fix it?

I zoom in on the whole page 50% 60% ... 100% 110% 120% .. 200%, and the image on each slide is twitching. - code - demo How can i resolve this problem? I would be grateful if you send me the code of a working sweeper without a bug. Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

How to check if a firebase timestamp is greater than current date

I need to compare a timestamp field with the current date in javascript. I tryed like this: let myDocs = []; await getDocs( collection( database, 'myCollection' ) ).then( ( documents ) => { ( document ) => { if( < new Date() ){ myDocs.push({, }); } }); }); Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow