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How do I show a error message if no product is found?

I have a search.js file that reads a json file and retrieves information about some products, and then displays it in the page. I am trying to show a error message if no product is found when searching, and this part is almost working. If a search for a non-existent product, the error message appears correctly: enter image description here

The problem is, if I search for a product that the name isn't similar to another one, the error still appears.. for example: enter image description here

enter image description here

Json file structure is like this:

        "nome": "Carro",
        "apelido": "",
        "desc": "descrição",
        "img": "/img/carro.png",
        "link": "/pag/carro.html"
        "nome": "Carreta Bi-Trem",
        "apelido": "ft.big.truck",
        "desc": "descrição",
        "img": "/img/carreta.png",
        "link": "/pag/carreta.html"

HTML of the error div:

        <div class="col-12 d-none" id="avisoDeErro">
          <div class="alert alert-danger p-5 rounded shadow">
            <i class="bi bi-x-circle-fill"></i> <strong>Erro</strong>
            <div class="fs-1 ">
              Nenhum produto encontrado.
              <p class="fw-light">Acha que deveria ter algo aqui? Entre em contato com o suporte.</p>

search.js file:

const produtosCardTemplate = document.querySelector("[data-produtos-template]");
const produtosCardContainer = document.querySelector("[data-produtos-cards-container]");
const searchInput = document.querySelector("[data-search]");

let produtos = [];

searchInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
    const value =
    produtos.forEach(produto => {
        const isVisible = value.split(' ').every(word => produto.nome.toLowerCase().includes(word)) || value.split('.').every(word => produto.apelido.toLowerCase().includes(word))
        produto.element.classList.toggle("hide", !isVisible) //hide = display: none !important; 
        // Show a error message
        if (!isVisible){
            let avisoErro = document.getElementById("avisoDeErro")
        } else {
            let avisoErro = document.getElementById("avisoDeErro")

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(data => {
        produtos = => {
            // console.log(produto)

            const card = produtosCardTemplate.content.cloneNode(true).children[0]
            const nome = card.querySelector("[data-nome]")
            const desc = card.querySelector("[data-desc]")
            const img = card.querySelector("[data-img]")
            const imgLink = card.querySelector("[data-img-link]")
            const link = card.querySelector("[data-link]")
            nome.textContent = produto.nome
            desc.textContent = produto.desc
            img.setAttribute("src", produto.img)


            return {nome: produto.nome, apelido: produto.apelido, element: card}

I know that the problem is in my way of showing the error message

        if (!isVisible){
            let avisoErro = document.getElementById("avisoDeErro")
        } else {
            let avisoErro = document.getElementById("avisoDeErro")

But i can't think of another way of doing this

Tried changing the way to see if no product matched, with no success

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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