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ng-model not working for dynamic key of object and ng-repeat not working

i am building a project where we have one url input tag, which have its respective url mappings which needs to accept only URL and a add button to repeat two input tags from below scenerio: url1 have urla -> urlb, urlc->urld, urle->urlf, has add button add as many as mappings. On save we need to send this json format to post API. required json format : { url1: { urla : urlb, urlc : urld, urle : urlf,... }, url2:{ urlg : urlh, urli: url,..... },...... } ISSUE : i m unable to get the required json format from my code. ` HTML <div> <input id="url" type="text" ng-model=""> </div> <div id="maprow1" class="row mt-5" ng-repeat="(privateUrl, publicUrl) in urlMappings track by $index"> <input id="privateurl1" type="text" class="form-control input-text http-input" ng-model="urlMappings.privateUrl"> <input id="publicurl1" type=&quo

How to add proxy with auth to ubdetected chromdriver?

I have to use undetected chromdriver for some websites, but I also need to add a proxy with authorization. The usual ways that work with regular chromdriver don't work with undetected. What I have tried: 1: from seleniumwire import webdriver import undetected_chromedriver as uc options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() seleniumwire_options = {'proxy': {'https': 'type://username:pass@host:port'}} driver = uc.Chrome(use_subprocess=True, seleniumwire_options=seleniumwire_options) 2: import undetected_chromedriver as uc options = uc.ChromeOptions options.add_argument("--proxy-server=https://username:pass@host:port") driver = uc.Chrome(use_subprocess=True, options=options) Are there other ways that work with undetected chromedriver? Thanks in advance source

Strange and inconsistent behavior during modifying an object in JavaScript in Chrome environment [duplicate]

I could not find anything remotely close to this problem anywhere else on the internet. This is simply a bizarre issue. I am making a Chess game using Typescript. I have a Validator class that holds all the states of the game including an object representation for an Chess board, which is modified after each valid move. And that's where the bug occurs. Here is the board object -> export interface BoardType { [file: string]: { [rank: string]: string; }; } export const BoardMap: BoardType = { a: { '1': '', '2': '', '3': '', '4': '', '5': '', '6': '', '7': '', '8': '', }, then 7 more files. I have a function that takes this board object and adds the pieces according to the given FEN string. That function works correctly and is not relevant here. After running that fu

MongoDB - Generating dynamic $or using pipeline variable?

hoping someone can help as I am truly stuck! I have this query SwapModel.aggregate([ { $match: { organisationId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(organisationId), matchId: null, matchStatus: 0, offers: { $elemMatch: { from: { $lte: new Date(from) }, to: { $gte: new Date(to) }, locations: { $elemMatch: { $eq: location } }, types: { $elemMatch: { $eq: type } }, }, }, //problem is HERE $or: { $map: { input: "$offers", as: "offer", in: { from: { $gte: new Date("$$offer.from") }, to: { $lte: new Date("$$") }, location: { $in: "$$offer.locations" }, type: { $in: "$$offer.type

Quick way to create a pivot-table with totals from 2 dimensional data-points (part-id, year, units)?

I read out a set of data from an SQL table using pypyodbc ... The result from cur.fetchall() is this : sqldata=[ ('part00', '2023', 15), ('part01', '2023', 4), ('part02', '2023', 1), ('part00', '2022', 72), ('part03', '2022', 48), ('part04', '2022', 22), ('part05', '2022', 16), ('part06', '2022', 16), ('part07', '2022', 15), ('part08', '2022', 12), ('part09', '2022', 6), ('part10', '2022', 4), ('part01', '2022', 4), ('part11', '2022', 3), ('part12', '2022', 3), ('part13', '2022', 2), ('part14', '2022', 1), ('part15', '2022', 1), ('part02', '2022', 1), ('part16', '2022', 1), ('part04', '2021', 35), ('part00', '2021', 20), ('part0

Change WebView size using PreferredSize in Javascript/Scriptable

In scriptable, I was able to load a simple webview page using the WebView module via/Siri Shortcuts, but is there a way to resize the preview using WebView.loadURL(nameOfVarible) along with PreferredSize ? I have something like this that's top big and I wanted to size the preview down using the PreferredSize size. Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

How to install a python package (pylint) without using PIP or docker

trying to find a way to get tool like pylint (so we can use pyreverse). however conditions: restricted network. docker is not acceptable. and we ARE NOT aloud to use pip so please. don't suggest it. its a no go. not allowed. is their a way to use the git source code to install it? seems their USED to be a file (in the old docs) but it no longer exists.. anyone have any clue as to how this might be achieved? manually getting al decencies. etc is fine. as long as their a process. which does not use PIP or docker. source