I am seeing behavior in our stomp.py client (listener only) where after some idle time of not receiving messages the AMQ broker seems to drop the client i.e. looking at the AMQ management console shows zero consumers. The odd thing is the on_disconnected handler of the client never gets called and we have a health check on the client service that checks the connection is_connected() , however it still returns true. Based on my understanding/research (please correct if any of this is false) this is due to the broker trying to clean-up resources it perceives as inactive. Also based on my research "heartbeating" can be used to avoid this perception on the broker. I know how to send the heartbeat header from the client and how to check the response from the server/broker (as far as what it expects) in on_connected but my question is how do I send the actual heartbeat from the client to the server/broker? Do I need to send a message on the queue I am listening to? If so how do...
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