I'm trying to convert an old project that uses Bower + gulp (+ npm) into something similar, which doesn't use Bower but keeps most of Gulp. I'm stuck with reproducing the equivalent of wiredep, ie, picking all the relevant .js and .css from third party dependencies (which now are moved from Bower to package.json ), to use them for either HTML injection or bundling all .js/.css into a single file. Before, it was doing this, using a mix of wiredep and inject: gulp.task('inject-html', ['compile-styles'], function () { $.util.log('injecting JavaScript and CSS into the html files'); var injectStyles = gulp.src(config.outputCss, { read: false }); var injectScripts = gulp.src(config.js, { read: false }); var wiredepOptions = config.getWiredepDefaultOptions(); var injectOptions = { ignorePath: ['src', '.tmp'], addRootSlash: false, }; var wiredep = require('wiredep').stream; return gulp.src(config.html) ...
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