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Error while creating conda environment in pycharm

When I'm trying to create conda environment for tensoflow this error is appearing: error and when i was using for conda executable E:\anaconda\envs\tf2.12 pycharm was saying: CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied I have tried changing who can have access to the file but it didn't help source

Odd behaviour when adding Date[] into Date[][] in Typescript/Javascript [duplicate]

So I need to calculate a set of time intervals like this: [8:00 - 8:10] I decided to use a Date type for this and wrote this piece of code to test things: let todaysDate = new Date(); let startTime: Date = new Date(todaysDate.setHours(5, 0, 0)); let endTime: Date = new Date(todaysDate.setHours(6, 0, 0)); let start : number = startTime.getTime(); let interval: number = 600000; let firstTime = new Date(startTime.getTime()); let secondTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + interval); let timeIntervalsArray: Date[][] = []; while (secondTime.getTime() < endTime.getTime()) { firstTime.setTime(start); secondTime.setTime(firstTime.getTime() + interval); const times: Date[] = [firstTime, secondTime]; timeIntervalsArray.push(times); start += interval; } console.log(timeIntervalsArray); But when logging the timeIntervalsArray variable I get that all variables in array are the same: [LOG]: [[Date: "2023-04-22T05:50:00.722Z", Date: "2023-04-22T06:00:00...

Telegram Bot revoke all invite links

So I created a telegram bot in py using the `python-telegram-bot' package (version 13.13). The bot is admin of a private channel, and when contacted by the user creates a personalized link to the channel with the name of the user that requested it. I am trying to add a command to list all links that this bot created in the channel and revoke them. Is this possible? For now the only route that I thought of is to store them in a database and loop through the list using the `revoke_invite_link(link)'. Please give me a hint to solve this, that seems an easy task! source

Unwanted Elementor Image Carousel Pause on Hover [closed]

I have this image carousel in my Wordpress Elementor Website. I wanted to make it so that whenever a mouse enters the carousel it will immediately stop. There is an option for it to pause on hover, however there seems to be big delay. Does anyone know what setting to override so that this delay is removed? I tried using custom JS to target the swiper-container but it didn't seem to work. I expected that disabling autoplay on hover and turning the settings of pauseOnMouseHover would fix it. There is no code for that as its Elementor plugin view in Wordpress but here is the website I am currently developing: Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

How to highlight only a specific div onclick in reactjs?

I am currently creating a sidebar, however I am struggling to highlight a specific div on click while keeping the other div s un-highlighted. Also, in its initial state, the first menu item should be highlighted already. Please help me out to get rid of this! Below is my code(jsx file) I have tried using useState and vanilla JavaScript. In vanilla nothing is working and when I used useState it is creating multiple copies of a single div . I just want to highlight a div on click while the others remain as it is. import React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; import "../css/sidebar.css"; import loginuser from "../img/login-user.svg"; import logoutuser from "../img/login-lock.svg"; // let menuitems = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebarmenuitem'); // let prevActive = menuitems[0]; // for(const item of menuitems){ // item.addEventListener('click', function setActive(event){}); // } // function se...

Standard item already deleted from model when opening Qtreeview for the second time

I am using PySide6 to build a UI with a QTreeView that allows users to select a single item from a hierarchy. I have implemented the QStandardItemModel with user-checkable items, and I am updating the check state of the items in response to user input. However, after the first time an item is checked, the program crashes with the error "RuntimeError: Internal C++ object (PySide6.QtGui.QStandardItem) already deleted." I have reduced the code to a minimal example, which follows: from PySide6.QtWidgets import QDialog, QPushButton, QWidget, QLineEdit from PySide6.QtWidgets import QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QTreeView from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem from PySide6.QtCore import Qt class MinimalModel(QStandardItemModel): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MinimalModel, self).__init__(parent) self.root_item = self.invisibleRootItem() for i in range(2): item = QStandardItem("parent ...