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Does partytown support smartlook? Problelm in integrating smartlook with partytown

I am trying to integrate smartlook using partytown using this code: <script type='text/javascript'> window.smartlook||(function(d) { var o=smartlook=function(){ o.api.push(arguments)},h=d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var c=d.createElement('script');o.api=new Array();c.async=true;c.type='text/partytown'; c.charset='utf-8';c.src='';h.appendChild(c); })(document); smartlook('init', PROJECT_KEY, { region: REGION }); </script> it does not give any errors but does not show anything on the smartlook is there something wrong I am doing? I have addes this code before all of the headers <script type="module"> import { partytownSnippet } from ""; const snippetText = partytownSnippet(); const el = document.createElement("script"); el.innerText = snippetText; docu...

Stuck in while loop (with conditions) while iterating over 2D Array (Python) [closed]

I am writing a program that simulates simple evolution. The world map is a 20x20 array. Each field can either be a 0 (empty) a 1 (organism at these coordinates) or a 2 (food at these coordinates). Within a function that calculates reproduction of each organism, there is a while loop that should recalculate the coordinates to place the offspring (the new organism). It checks if the random field that spawns the kid is already occupied, if so, then it choses new random coordinates until it found an empty field on the array (that means an array element that is 0): for i in range(kids): exec(f"organism{i} = Organism()") x = random.randint(2,17) y = random.randint(2,17) try: while world[x][y] == 1 or world[2][2] == 2: x = random.randint(2,17) y = random.randint(2,17) except: prin...

How to write a Python regex that matches strings with both words and digits, excluding digits-only strings?

I want to write a regex that matches a string that may contain both words and digits and not digits only. I used this regex [A-z+\d*] , but it does not work. Some matched samples: expression123 123expression exp123ression Not matched sample: 1235234567544 Can you help me with this one? Thank you in advance source

Django get id of the selected checkbox on CheckboxSelectMultiple widget in Javascript

I have checkboxes in Django from a form : testrever = forms.MultipleChoiceField(required=False,widget=forms.widgets.CheckboxSelectMultiple()) I would like to return only the ID (and then the value) of the last selected checkbox on .change event only when it's checked (when it's unchecked I don't want anything to happen). I managed to do so with the following (thanks to this answer) : Django How to get value of CheckboxSelectMultiple in Javascript in Template $('#id_testrever_0').on("change", function() { var testrever =[] var a = $("#id_email").val(); if ($('#id_testrever_0').is(':checked')) { testrever = $('#id_testrever_0').val(); $("input[name=email]").val(a + testrever) } }) $('#id_testrever_1').on("change", function() { var testrever =[] var a = $("#id_email").val(); if ($('#id_testrever_1').is(':checked')) { ...

Display Input value from an array object in React

I am bit new to react, I am trying to collect user data in a form as below and displaying in a grid table. When I select a particular row to edit, I am trying to show the same form again and data to be filled/displayed in respective Input control. But I am not sure how to display the Input control from an array object. const inputs = [ { id:"Title", type:"text", lable: "Title", placeholder:"Enter Title", }, { id:"FirstName", type:"text", lable: "First name", placeholder:"Enter first Name", }, { id:"LastName", type:"text", lable: "Last Name", placeholder:"Enter last Name", }, { id:"Email", type:"email", lable: "Email id", placeholder:"Email id", }, ]; //code for the form...

amchart parse json object

How can I add extra data to the json object in AMchart? When my obj is simple everything parses: var data = [ {year: "1930",italy: 4,germany: 5.1,uk: 3}, {year: "1934",italy: 1,germany: 2,uk: 6}, {year: "1938",italy: 2,germany: 3,uk: 1} ]; But when it looks like this it does not: var data = [ {year:"1930", italy:[{aa:20,bb:"21"}], germany:[{aa:30,bb:"44"}], uk:[{aa:40,bb:"77"}] } ]; This is the code that is responsible for parsing: var series = chart.series.push(, { name: name, xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis, valueYField: field, // << -- issue categoryXField: "year", tooltip:, { pointerOrientation: "horizontal", labelText: "[bold]{name}[/]\n{categoryX}: {valueY}" }) }) ); I can get the correct values using this but when i enter the values and replace field above...

"react" was conflicted between "package.json PROBLEM

A morning my react code is well working but after running app on night it is showing error , i cannot find which type of error occur , and not found any type of solution ,help me for solving my error on react : [eslint] Plugin enter image description here » eslint-config-react-app » D:\LP\Web Development course\REact Tutorials\React\livecovidreports\node_modules\eslint-config-react-app\base.js" and "BaseConfig » D:\LP\Web Development course\React Tutorials\React\livecovidreports\node_modules\eslint-config-react-app\base.js". Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow