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Python - Nelder Mead vs fsolve: pH equilibria optimization problem leads to numerical instability in Nelder Mead?

I'm creating a pH equilibrium calculator - starting with initial compositions of certain acids / bases the calculator should come up with the equilibrated concentrations of each component based on physical constants. I've formulated this as a set of equations which need to be solved simultaneously. One key constraint is that H_plus*OH_minus must be 10^-14 , and I've included this in the equations. Code #1: Fsolve. This works, but is sensitive to initial conditions, and I can't put constraints (I need concentrations to be >=0). import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve def equations(variables, Ka, Kw, initial_concentrations): HA, A_minus, H_plus, OH_minus, ion_Na = variables HA_init, A_minus_init, H_plus_init, OH_minus_init, ion_Na_init = initial_concentrations # Define the equations eq1 = HA + A_minus - HA_init - A_minus_init # Mass balance on acetate eq2 = H_plus + ion_Na - OH_minus - A_minus # charge balance eq3 = H_plus *...

getting "module not found" error when the library is in the anaconda3/envs/projects_env folder

i installed python's schedule library in anaconda, the path is like this: /anaconda3/envs/myprojectenv/schedule my python3 project is in a separate folder, the path is like this: /Desktop/projects/ when i activate the anaconda3 environment and run my python project, it can't find the schedule library. do the python libraries & packages i install for use in a project need to be in the same directory as that project? because right now i only have it in my anaconda3 environment folder and it can't seem to find it, even with the environment activated. source

Iterating through

I'm trying to iterate through all of the <ng-template> generated HTML elements and adding event listeners to it and adding/removing classes, but as I'm iterating through the elements it's not letting me grab the actual element. Therefore, I can't grab stuff like classList or innerHTML This is what the console throws: ERROR TypeError: item.classList is undefined Here is my Template Code: <div class="nav-container"> <h2 class="fw-semibold text-center pt-3 logo">bytenotes</h2> <button class="newCat-btn">+ New Category</button> <nav #catItem class="navbar-container"> <h3 *ngFor="let category of categories; first as firstCat" class="catItem" [ngClass]="firstCat ? 'active' : ''" > </h3> </nav> </div> Here is my Component Code: @Component({ selector: 'app-nav', tem...

How to make text field visible based on a specific dropdown list value?

I have a list of option values. Only when a certain option from the value is selected and I would like to show custon_25 text field. I select a specific option like value 2, 5 or 7 then show the text field to enter. Can anyone help please? Thanks $('#select2-results').click('change',function() { if($('value==2').is(':selected')) { $('#custom_25').show(); } else { if($('#custom_25').is(':visible')) { $('#custom_25').hide(); } } }); <div id="editrow-custom_24" class="crm-section editrow_custom_24-section form-item" style="display: block;"> <div class="label" style="display: none;"> <label for="custom_24">Medical Service</label> </div> <div class="edit-value content"> <div class="select2-container crm-select2 crm-form-select select2-allowclear" id="s2i...

The js seems like stop working when I switch to another tab on browser, is a problem?

I made a clock. I realized that when I switch another tab and came back after a while the clock stop behind current time. I found something named web workers, is it related to this?? Same senteces, don't read. I made a clock. I realized that when I switch another tab and came back after a while the clock stop behind current time. I found something named web workers, is it related to this?? I expected the code work anytime but it didn't. The code: let numbers = document.getElementsByClassName('number'); let numbersLength = numbers.length-1; let numberContainer = document.querySelectorAll('.number > div'); let minute = document.querySelector('#minute'); let hour = document.querySelector('#hour'); let second = document.querySelector('#second'); let startSecond = new Date().getSeconds()*6; let startHour = new Date().getHours()*30; let startMinute = new Date().getMinutes()*6; setInterval(increaseSecond, 1000); function readyHour() {...

Table Jquery Horizontal Scroll on Click

I have a table with overflow scroll and I'd like the user to be able to click a button to scroll the table as well. Please see fiddle below for my code. Any help on where i'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated. I have a fiddle here Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

How to live video stream using node API (Read file with chunk logic)

I want to make a live video streaming API and send the video buffer chunk data to an HTML. I am using rtsp URL. The chunk logic does not work. The video only plays for 5 seconds then stops. index.js file const express = require('express'); const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const app = express(); const port = 3000; app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.html"); }); const rtspUrl = 'rtsp://'; const chunkDuration = 5; // Duration of each chunk in seconds app.get('/video', (req, res) => { const outputDirectory = path.join(__dirname, 'chunks'); if (!fs.existsSync(outputDirectory)) { fs.mkdirSync(outputDirectory); } const startTime = new Date().getTime(); const outputFileName = `chunk_${startTime}.mp4`; const outputFilePath = path.join(...