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How to implement this using html and csss

I want to implement this, but can't find a way: I tried CSS grid but it wasn't working out, tried to think of how i would do it in flex box but still couldn't figure it out, so anyone who has done it before it would be helpful with code Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

SvelteKit form checkboxes not accurately displaying checked state after form submission

I have a SvelteKit route with a +page.server.ts file which has a load function that retrieves a user record from a database. The user has a string property containing a comma delimited list of "collection" ids that user has access to. In the +page.svelte page, I display a form with checkboxes for each collection to allow an admin user to grant or revoke permissions to collections. Here is my code for displaying the checkboxes <form method="post" action="?/setCollections" use:enhance> <input type="hidden" name="email" value={} /> <fieldset style:padding-left="1rem"> {#each data.collections as collection (} <div style:margin-bottom=".5rem"> <input id={} name={} type=...

Mysql2 error in NextJS13, cant find module Net

I'm trying to acquire information from a mysql database in nextjs13 using the mysql2 dependency, like this: import mysql from 'mysql2/promise' export const getData = async(req, res) => { const dbconnection = await mysql.createConnection({ host: "hostname", database: "databasename", user: "username", password: "password", }); try { const query = "SELECT productid, productname, productimage FROM products"; const values = []; const [data] = await dbconnection.execute(query, values); dbconnection.end(); res.status(200).json({ products: data }); } catch (error) { // unhide to check error // res.status(500).json({ error: error.message }); } return dbconnection } At first the error was that the net module was missing, which is called when mysql.createConnection is used. Then when I added the module, i...

Vue ref change does not apply changes to the component after update

I have a form implemented with vue3. The form consists of three text inputs and a checkbox group. I am using bootstrap-vue form and it's checkbox-group for this. I call an api to set default values on the form, after the api responds I update the ref like the code below and all three text inputs get updated just fine . The problem is with the checkbox group component. The checked items won't get checked although they are inside of the tagList ref. // I set the formValues ref and api call to get default values in this composable. // taglist will be a list of strings: tagList = ['example'] const formValues = ref<IArticleFormValues>({ title: '', body: '', description: '', tagList: [], }); const { data, isFetching } = useQuery({ queryKey: ['fetchArticleBySlug', slug], queryFn: () => fetchSingleArticleService(slug) }); watch(data, () => { if (data.value?.article) { formValues.value ...

display a component by exporting in react

I am trying to lean react by solving a problem in react. Providing the react code challenge below. I am seeing the below error in browser. I googled but still no luck, not sure how to solve it. Providing my code below and stackblitz. Can you guys help me. Property 'stateDropdown' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'.(2339),src%2Fcomponents%2FstateDropdown.css,src%2FApp.tsx&title=React%20Starter import { FC } from 'react'; import './style.css'; import { stateDropdown } from './components/stateDropdown'; export const App: FC<{ name: string }> = ({ name }) => { return ( <div> <stateDropdown /> <h1>Hello {name}!</h1> <p>Start editing to see some magic happen :)</p> </div> ); }; coding challenge h...

Unable to load image from url fetched from sqlite database

I have a Web app(Electron.Js) using HTML,CSS & Javascript, where in I am saving an image url and background color as chosen by user to Sqlite database using : const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function () { const imageUrl = reader.result; query = "INSERT INTO QuizWindow VALUES('" + imageUrl + "','" + selectedColor + "');"; db.queryStatement(query, (err, rows) => { if (err) { console.error(err.message); } else { rows.forEach((row) => { console.log(row); }); } }); }; reader.readAsDataURL(imageInput.files[0]); which works fine. But when I fetch the same data from Sqlite using: function LoadBackground() { var query = "SELECT * FROM QuizWindow ;"; db.queryStatement(query, (err, rows) => { if (err) { console.erro...

RRweb is duplicating objects inside the replay

Im trying out rrweb & rrweb-replayer for its recording and replaying abilities, im having trouble recording properly and replaying. some of the issues im having: 1.[replayer] Node with id 'XYZ' not found. 2. Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: null (Unsure if relevent) 3. the replay is not the same as the final HTML render- there are duplciate objects in the replay the recording and replaying are happening in this app.jsx in my react project: A visual compression: What the rrweb replayer records: my example project can be found in this link: use the package.json to install everything you need - the project uses vite,zustand and react Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow