I'm trying to acquire information from a mysql database in nextjs13 using the mysql2 dependency, like this: import mysql from 'mysql2/promise' export const getData = async(req, res) => { const dbconnection = await mysql.createConnection({ host: "hostname", database: "databasename", user: "username", password: "password", }); try { const query = "SELECT productid, productname, productimage FROM products"; const values = []; const [data] = await dbconnection.execute(query, values); dbconnection.end(); res.status(200).json({ products: data }); } catch (error) { // unhide to check error // res.status(500).json({ error: error.message }); } return dbconnection } At first the error was that the net module was missing, which is called when mysql.createConnection is used. Then when I added the module, i...