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Convert LineString to Polygon using Python

I am trying to convert geometry from type: LineString into type:Polygon where each line of data is a list of coordinates and at the same time I am trying to add 2 miles radius for each coordinates within list as buffer and output should be polygons. Please see sample data as below: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "name": "Sample_lines", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } }, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "OBJECTID": 123, "GLOBAL_ID": "8CAB8A", "IDENT": "41", "TYPE": "N", "Shape__Length": 0.2733 }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -112.400011882673994, 41.0833390325461, 0.0 ], [ -112.56667894652, 41.300005042600802, 0.0 ] ] } }, { ...

Equivalnet of C# or Python even rounding in Javascript

There is a discrepancy between how C# or Python rounds a decimal number and how Javascript handles it. I've already found this answer banker-rounding , but this solution does not work in my case and causes different results between server and client. Suppose I have a variable number that its value is from 1.36500000000001 to 1.36500000000009 . In C#: // 1.36500000000001m Math.Round(decimal_number, 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven) // 1.37 In Python: Decimal(str(number)).quantize(Decimal('0.01')), ROUND_HALF_EVEN)) # 1.37 But in Javascript: based on different functions of banker-rounding function bankersRound(n, d=2) { var x = n * Math.pow(10, d); var r = Math.round(x); var br = Math.abs(x) % 1 === 0.5 ? (r % 2 === 0 ? r : r-1) : r; return br / Math.pow(10, d); } bankersRound(number, 2) // 1.36 Has the community found a solution for Javascript? Is there any other implementation in Javascript? source

429 Response with Google Bard

I am running through some data using the Google Bard API using a for loop that pushes a different sentence through for a total of 120 times. I initially inserted a random time lag after each point (1 to 10 seconds, randomly chosen) in the for-loop so that it’s hopefully not getting blocked by Google. However, I ran into a timeout and therefore removed the time lag. Now, I’m getting a 429 response. My questions are: When this happens, is there any way in my code that I can save what’s already been run? So that if there’s an error, my list of Bard responses (what’s there so far) can be saved? -Does anyone know the limit per second/hour for Bard? I looked, but I don’t see any documentation…mostly probably because they haven’t created their own API. But shouldn’t their site still indicate what will give a 429? My error only raises an Exception indicating a 429 response, but no other details. Thanks! source

code to do a minimised chi squared fit on a function by varying two variables in python for a function with a maximum point not working correctly

I have written a piece of code intended to perform a minimised chi squared fit by varying two parameters, the problem section of code is below: conversion_factor = 0.3894 * 10**9 def cross_section(parameters, E, Γee): mZ, ΓZ = parameters return conversion_factor * (12 * np.pi / (mZ ** 2)) * ( (E ** 2) / ((E ** 2 - mZ ** 2) ** 2) + (mZ ** 2) * ( ΓZ ** 2)) * (Γee ** 2) def chi_squared(parameters, E, sigma, sigma_error, mZ_start, ΓZ_start, Γee): mZ, ΓZ = parameters model = cross_section(parameters, E,Γee) return np.sum(((model - sigma) / sigma_error) ** 2) E = combined_data['% centre-of-mass energy (GeV)'] sigma = combined_data['cross section (nb)'] sigma_error = combined_data['uncertainty (nb)'] mZ_start, ΓZ_start = [90, 3] Γee = 83.91 result = fmin(chi_squared, (mZ_start, ΓZ_start), args=(E, sigma, sigma_error, mZ_start, ΓZ_start, Γee), full_output=True, disp=False) ...

How to fetch Options from API for Select when it is opened (onOpen event) in material UI

I am using Material UI Select in my Project. Since i have lots of dropdowns with lots of options,i want to populate them only if they are opened by user. On triggering the onOpen event,A call will be made and options will be fetched. Only problem is that i cannot fetch the name of Dropdown from event object passed in onOpen event. The event is MouseDown. Which does not contain that information. How to solve that??? Is there any other event i can use?? Is this the standard way of doing this? Here is the code.. onOpen Handle function const handleSelectOpen = (event,a) => { console.log( ) //returns undefined fetchData([reqDimName], filtersFormatted).then((data) => { }); }; Select Component. <Select name={label.split('.')[1]} label={ filterDimensions[e]?.meta?.current?.[ `${filterDimensions[e]....

Azure Maps label text that scales with the zoom level

Is it possible to create a text label that stays the same relative size compared to the map when zooming in or out? Reading the docs and looking at the symbol layer sample , it seems that this is not possible and that the label will always have the same absolute size (appearing larger when zooming out), but I'm curious whether it is possible to achieve this somehow, using some sort of undocumented feature. If not, is it possible to request this feature somewhere; or is this out of scope? Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

Apify Flipkart scraper Not scrape data properly

I use apify (Flipkart scraper) website to scrape data from flipkart but scrape data only for mobile categories, i want to get all categories products details. If there is a solution let me know... Thanks I tried some meathod but it's not work Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow