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Canvas doesn't working in safari Iphone ReactJS

I tried everything, someone knows how to make canvas works in safari iphone, or an alternative approach that works similar? I have this component that tracks faces from react, but it's not working only on iphone, i modified it inoumerous times, but nothing works, someone can help me?


import _regeneratorRuntime from "@babel/runtime/regenerator";
import _asyncToGenerator from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck";
import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass";
import _possibleConstructorReturn from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/possibleConstructorReturn";
import _getPrototypeOf from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/getPrototypeOf";
import _inherits from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits";
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import * as pico from './pico';

var FaceDetector =
function (_Component) {
  _inherits(FaceDetector, _Component);

  function FaceDetector(props) {
    var _this;

    _classCallCheck(this, FaceDetector);

    _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(FaceDetector).call(this, props));

    _this.performPartialWork = function () {
      if (!_this.workQueue.length || !_this.mounted) return;

      var firstTask = _this.workQueue.shift();

      var taskStartTime =;
      _this.carryOverData = firstTask.action(_this.carryOverData);
      _this.taskTimes[firstTask.tag] = - taskStartTime;
      if (!_this.workQueue.length) return;
      requestIdleCallback(function (deadline) {
        if (!_this.taskTimes[_this.workQueue[0].tag]) _this.taskTimes[_this.workQueue[0].tag] = 1;

        if (_this.taskTimes[_this.workQueue[0].tag] < deadline.timeRemaining() * 0.9) {

    _this.detectionLoop = function () {


    _this.relativeFaceLocation = function (faceData) {
      var widthIndex = _this.props.width / 100;
      var heightIndex = _this.props.height / 100;

      if (faceData && faceData.x) {
        var x = faceData.x,
            y = faceData.y,
            size = faceData.size,
            strength = faceData.strength;
        size = Math.round(size / widthIndex);
        y = Math.round(y / heightIndex);
        x = 100 - Math.round(x / widthIndex);
        x = Math.min(Math.max(x, 0), 100);
        y = Math.min(Math.max(y, 0), 100);
        strength = Math.round(strength);
        return {
          x: x,
          y: y,
          size: size,
          strength: strength

    _this.calculateFaceSizeScale = function (detectionStrength) {
      var s = detectionStrength;

      if (s > 1000) {
        return 1.2;
      } else if (s < 1000 && s > 900) {
        return 1.1;
      } else if (s < 900 && s > 800) {
        return 1.075;
      } else if (s < 800 && s > 700) {
        return 1.05;
      } else if (s < 700 && s > 600) {
        return 1.03;
      } else if (s < 600 && s > 500) {
        return 1.01;
      } else if (s < 500 && s > 400) {
        return 1.005;
      } else if (s < 400 && s > 300) {
        return 0.995;
      } else if (s < 300 && s > 200) {
        return 0.99;
      } else if (s < 200 && s > 100) {
        return 0.95;
      } else if (s < 100 && s > 50) {
        return 0.9;
      } else {
        return 0.8;

    _this.updatePerformanceQueue = function (detectionStart, detectionEnd, queue) {
      queue.push(detectionEnd - detectionStart);
      if (queue.length > 60) queue.shift();
      return queue;

    _this.updateCanvas = function () {
      if(_this.props.fixPosition == 'true'){
        var width = _this.props.width;
        var height = _this.props.height;
        _this.canvas.width = width;
        _this.canvas.height = height;
        var width = _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 4;
        var height = _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 3;
        _this.canvas.width = Math.floor(width);
        _this.canvas.height = Math.floor(height);
      } = function() {
        _this.ctx.drawImage(, 0, 0, width, height);
        if (_this.state.facesData[0]) {
 (face) {
            _this.ctx.arc(face.x, face.y, face.size / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
            _this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;
            _this.ctx.strokeStyle = face.strength < 100 ? 'red' : '#3D8980';

    _this.detect = function () {
      var imageData = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
      var detectedFacesData = pico.processfn(imageData, _this.baseFaceSize * _this.state.faceScale, _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 3, _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 4).filter(function (face) {
        return face[3] > 20;
      var newFacesData = [];
      var bestDetectionData = [0, 0];

      if (detectedFacesData.length) { (detectedFaceData, index) {
          var newFaceData = {};

          var _detectedFaceData = _slicedToArray(detectedFaceData, 4),
              y = _detectedFaceData[0],
              x = _detectedFaceData[1],
              size = _detectedFaceData[2],
              strength = _detectedFaceData[3];

          newFaceData.y = y;
          newFaceData.x = x;
          newFaceData.size = size;
          newFaceData.strength = strength;

          if (bestDetectionData[0] < strength) {
            bestDetectionData = [strength, index];


      var _this$state = _this.state,
          faceScale = _this$state.faceScale,
          currentCanvasSizeIndex = _this$state.currentCanvasSizeIndex,
          noFaceFrames = _this$state.noFaceFrames,
          highFaceFrames = _this$state.highFaceFrames;
      var newCanvasSizeIndex = currentCanvasSizeIndex;
      var newNoFaceFrames = noFaceFrames;
      var newHighFaceFrames = highFaceFrames;

      var _bestDetectionData = bestDetectionData,
          _bestDetectionData2 = _slicedToArray(_bestDetectionData, 1),
          bestDetection = _bestDetectionData2[0];

      var newFaceScale = Math.max(_this.calculateFaceSizeScale(bestDetection), 0.01) || faceScale;

      if (bestDetection > 250) {
        if (newHighFaceFrames < 1) {
          newHighFaceFrames = newHighFaceFrames + 1;
        } else {
          newCanvasSizeIndex = newCanvasSizeIndex - 2;
          newHighFaceFrames = 0;
      } else {
        newHighFaceFrames = 0;

      if (!newFacesData.length) {
        if (newNoFaceFrames < 1) {
          newNoFaceFrames = newNoFaceFrames + 1;
        } else {
          newCanvasSizeIndex = Math.min(newCanvasSizeIndex + 2, 200);
          newNoFaceFrames = 0;
      } else {
        newNoFaceFrames = 0;

      return {
        newFacesData: newFacesData,
        newFaceScale: newFaceScale,
        newCanvasSizeIndex: newCanvasSizeIndex,
        newNoFaceFrames: newNoFaceFrames,
        newHighFaceFrames: newHighFaceFrames

    _this.ctx = null;
    _this.mounted = true;
    _this.imageData = null; = document.createElement("video");
    _this.baseFaceSize = 100;
    _this.workQueue = [];
    _this.taskTimes = {};
    _this.carryOverData = null;
    _this.tracks = null;
    _this.state = {
      currentCanvasSizeIndex: 100,
      facesData: {},
      faceScale: 1,
      first: null,
      height: _this.maxHeight,
      noFaceFrames: 0,
      highFaceFrames: 0,
      framesSinceUpdate: 0
    return _this;

  _createClass(FaceDetector, [{
    key: "componentDidMount",
    value: function () {
      var _componentDidMount = _asyncToGenerator(
      _regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {
        var stream;
        return _regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
          while (1) {
            switch (_context.prev = {
              case 0:
       = 2;
       = false;
      'autoplay', '');
      'muted', '');
      'playsinline', '');

                  video: {facingMode: 'user'},
                  audio: false
                }).then(success => {
                  alert('got media device')
         = success;
                  this.tracks = success.getTracks();
                  return success;
                }).catch(err => {
                  alert('Error media device')
                  return null;

              case 2:
                stream = _context.sent;
                //this.tracks = stream.getTracks()
                if(navigator.platform == 'iPhone'){
         = stream;
         = stream;
                this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d', {
                  alpha: false

                if ( {

              case 8:
              case "end":
                return _context.stop();
        }, _callee, this);

      function componentDidMount() {
        return _componentDidMount.apply(this, arguments);

      return componentDidMount;
  }, {
    key: "componentDidUpdate",
    value: function componentDidUpdate() {
      if (this.mounted && && !this.workQueue.length) {
  }, { 
    key: "componentWillUnmount" ,
    value: function componentWillUnmount() {
      this.mounted = false;
      this.tracks.forEach( (track) => {
      }); = null;
  }, {
    key: "render",
    value: function render() {
      var _this2 = this;

      var facesData = this.state.facesData;
      var relativeFacesData = facesData.length ? (face) {
        return _this2.relativeFaceLocation(face);
      }) : [{
        x: null,
        y: null,
        size: null,
        strength: null
      return React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, React.createElement("canvas", {
        ref: function ref(_ref) {
          return _this2.canvas = _ref;
        style: {
          display: this.props.showCanvas ? 'inline' : 'none'
      }), this.props.children && this.props.children(relativeFacesData));
  }, {
    key: "newWorkQueue",
    value: function newWorkQueue() {
      var _this3 = this;

      this.workQueue = [{
        action: this.updateCanvas,
        tag: 'updateCanvas'
      }, {
        action: function action() {
          _this3.imageData = _this3.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, _this3.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 4, _this3.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 3).data;
        tag: 'getContextData'
      }, {
        tag: 'detectAndSetState',
        action: function action() {
          var _this3$detect = _this3.detect(_this3.imageData),
              newFacesData = _this3$detect.newFacesData,
              newFaceScale = _this3$detect.newFaceScale,
              newCanvasSizeIndex = _this3$detect.newCanvasSizeIndex,
              newNoFaceFrames = _this3$detect.newNoFaceFrames,
              newHighFaceFrames = _this3$detect.newHighFaceFrames;

          _this3.setState(function () {
            return {
              facesData: newFacesData[0] ? newFacesData : _this3.state.facesData,
              faceScale: newFaceScale,
              currentCanvasSizeIndex: newCanvasSizeIndex,
              noFaceFrames: newNoFaceFrames,
              highFaceFrames: newHighFaceFrames,
              framesSinceUpdate: 0

  return FaceDetector;

export { FaceDetector as default };
FaceDetector.defaultProps = {
  active: true,
  showCanvas: false


/* This library is released under the MIT license, see */
var unpack_cascade = function unpack_cascade(bytes) {
  var dview = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4)); //  we skip the first 8 bytes of the cascade file
  //    (cascade version number and some data used during the learning process)

  var p = 8; // read the depth (size) of each tree first: a 32-bit signed integer

  dview.setUint8(0, bytes[p + 0]);
  dview.setUint8(1, bytes[p + 1]);
  dview.setUint8(2, bytes[p + 2]);
  dview.setUint8(3, bytes[p + 3]);
  var tdepth = dview.getInt32(0, true);
  p += 4; //    next, read the number of trees in the cascade: another 32-bit signed integer

  dview.setUint8(0, bytes[p + 0]);
  dview.setUint8(1, bytes[p + 1]);
  dview.setUint8(2, bytes[p + 2]);
  dview.setUint8(3, bytes[p + 3]);
  var ntrees = dview.getInt32(0, true);
  p += 4; //    read the actual trees and cascade thresholds

  var tcodes = [];
  var tpreds = [];
  var thresh = [];

  for (var t = 0; t < ntrees; ++t) {
    var i = void 0; // read the binary tests placed in internal tree nodes

    Array.prototype.push.apply(tcodes, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
    Array.prototype.push.apply(tcodes, bytes.slice(p, p + 4 * Math.pow(2, tdepth) - 4));
    p = p + 4 * Math.pow(2, tdepth) - 4; // read the prediction in the leaf nodes of the tree

    for (i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, tdepth); ++i) {
      dview.setUint8(0, bytes[p + 0]);
      dview.setUint8(1, bytes[p + 1]);
      dview.setUint8(2, bytes[p + 2]);
      dview.setUint8(3, bytes[p + 3]);
      tpreds.push(dview.getFloat32(0, true));
      p = p + 4;
    } // read the threshold

    dview.setUint8(0, bytes[p + 0]);
    dview.setUint8(1, bytes[p + 1]);
    dview.setUint8(2, bytes[p + 2]);
    dview.setUint8(3, bytes[p + 3]);
    thresh.push(dview.getFloat32(0, true));
    p = p + 4;

  tcodes = new Int8Array(tcodes);
  tpreds = new Float32Array(tpreds);
  thresh = new Float32Array(thresh); // construct the classification function from the read data

  function classify_region(r, c, s, pixels, ldim) {
    r = 256 * r;
    c = 256 * c;
    var root = 0;
    var o = 0.0;
    var pow2tdepth = Math.pow(2, tdepth) >> 0; // '>>0' transforms this number to int

    for (var i = 0; i < ntrees; ++i) {
      var idx = 1;

      for (var j = 0; j < tdepth; ++j) {
        // we use '>> 8' here to perform an integer division: this seems important for performance
        idx = 2 * idx + (pixels[(r + tcodes[root + 4 * idx + 0] * s >> 8) * ldim + (c + tcodes[root + 4 * idx + 1] * s >> 8)] <= pixels[(r + tcodes[root + 4 * idx + 2] * s >> 8) * ldim + (c + tcodes[root + 4 * idx + 3] * s >> 8)]);

      o = o + tpreds[pow2tdepth * i + idx - pow2tdepth];
      if (o <= thresh[i]) return -1;
      root += 4 * pow2tdepth;

    return o - thresh[ntrees - 1];

  return classify_region;

var facefinder_classify_region = function facefinder_classify_region(r, c, s, pixels, ldim) {
  return -1.0;

var update_memory = instantiate_detection_memory(5);
export var picoInit = function picoInit() {
  var cascadeurl = '';
  fetch(cascadeurl).then(function (response) {
    response.arrayBuffer().then(function (buffer) {
      var bytes = new Int8Array(buffer);
      facefinder_classify_region = unpack_cascade(bytes);
      console.log('* cascade loaded');

var run_cascade = function run_cascade(image, classify_region, params) {
  var pixels = image.pixels;
  var nrows = image.nrows;
  var ncols = image.ncols;
  var ldim = image.ldim;
  var shiftfactor = params.shiftfactor;
  var minsize = params.minsize;
  var maxsize = params.maxsize;
  var scalefactor = params.scalefactor;
  var scale = minsize;
  var detections = [];

  while (scale <= maxsize) {
    var step = Math.max(shiftfactor * scale, 1) >> 0; // '>>0' transforms this number to int

    var offset = scale / 2 + 1 >> 0;

    for (var r = offset; r <= nrows - offset; r += step) {
      for (var c = offset; c <= ncols - offset; c += step) {
        var q = classify_region(r, c, scale, pixels, ldim);
        if (q > 0.0) detections.push([r, c, scale, q]);

    scale = scale * scalefactor;

  return detections;

var cluster_detections = function cluster_detections(dets, iouthreshold) {
  //    sort detections by their score
  dets = dets.sort(function (a, b) {
    return b[3] - a[3];
  }); //    this helper function calculates the intersection over union for two detections

  function calculate_iou(det1, det2) {
    // unpack the position and size of each detection
    var r1 = det1[0],
        c1 = det1[1],
        s1 = det1[2];
    var r2 = det2[0],
        c2 = det2[1],
        s2 = det2[2]; // calculate detection overlap in each dimension

    var overr = Math.max(0, Math.min(r1 + s1 / 2, r2 + s2 / 2) - Math.max(r1 - s1 / 2, r2 - s2 / 2));
    var overc = Math.max(0, Math.min(c1 + s1 / 2, c2 + s2 / 2) - Math.max(c1 - s1 / 2, c2 - s2 / 2)); // calculate and return IoU

    return overr * overc / (s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 - overr * overc);
  } //  do clustering through non-maximum suppression

  var assignments = new Array(dets.length).fill(0);
  var clusters = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < dets.length; ++i) {
    // is this detection assigned to a cluster?
    if (assignments[i] == 0) {
      // it is not:
      // now we make a cluster out of it and see whether some other detections belong to it
      var r = 0.0,
          c = 0.0,
          s = 0.0,
          q = 0.0,
          n = 0;

      for (var j = i; j < dets.length; ++j) {
        if (calculate_iou(dets[i], dets[j]) > iouthreshold) {
          assignments[j] = 1;
          r = r + dets[j][0];
          c = c + dets[j][1];
          s = s + dets[j][2];
          q = q + dets[j][3];
          n = n + 1;
      } // make a cluster representative

      clusters.push([r / n, c / n, s / n, q]);

  return clusters;

function instantiate_detection_memory(size) {
  //    initialize a circular buffer of `size` elements
  var n = 0,
      memory = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
  } //  build a function that:
  //    (1) inserts the current frame's detections into the buffer;
  //    (2) merges all detections from the last `size` frames and returns them

  function update_memory(dets) {
    memory[n] = dets;
    n = (n + 1) % memory.length;
    dets = [];

    for (i = 0; i < memory.length; ++i) {
      dets = dets.concat(memory[i]);
    } //

    return dets;

  return update_memory;
} //    (2) define a function to transform an RGBA image to grayscale

var rgba_to_grayscale = function rgba_to_grayscale(rgba, nrows, ncols) {
  var gray = new Uint8Array(nrows * ncols);

  for (var r = 0; r < nrows; ++r) {
    for (var c = 0; c < ncols; ++c) {
      // gray = 0.2*red + 0.7*green + 0.1*blue
      gray[r * ncols + c] = (2 * rgba[r * 4 * ncols + 4 * c + 0] + 7 * rgba[r * 4 * ncols + 4 * c + 1] + 1 * rgba[r * 4 * ncols + 4 * c + 2]) / 10;

  return gray;

export var processfn = function processfn(imageData, minFaceSize, height, width) {
  if (!imageData) return null;
  var dets; // prepare input to `run_cascade`

  var image = {
    "pixels": rgba_to_grayscale(imageData, height, width),
    "nrows": height,
    "ncols": width,
    "ldim": width
  var params = {
    "shiftfactor": 0.1,
    // move the detection window by 10% of its size
    "minsize": minFaceSize,
    // minimum size of a face
    "maxsize": 1000,
    // maximum size of a face
    "scalefactor": 1.1 // for multiscale processing: resize the detection window by 10% when moving to the higher scale
    // run the cascade over the frame and cluster the obtained detections
    // dets is an array that contains (r, c, s, q) quadruplets
    // (representing row, column, scale and detection score)

  dets = run_cascade(image, facefinder_classify_region, params);
  dets = update_memory(dets);
  dets = cluster_detections(dets, 0.2); // set IoU threshold to 0.2

  return dets;

The specific part that is not working in iphone:

_this.updateCanvas = function () {
      if(_this.props.fixPosition == 'true'){
        var width = _this.props.width;
        var height = _this.props.height;
        _this.canvas.width = width;
        _this.canvas.height = height;
        var width = _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 4;
        var height = _this.state.currentCanvasSizeIndex * 3;
        _this.canvas.width = Math.floor(width);
        _this.canvas.height = Math.floor(height);
      } = function() {
        _this.ctx.drawImage(, 0, 0, width, height);
        if (_this.state.facesData[0]) {
 (face) {
            _this.ctx.arc(face.x, face.y, face.size / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
            _this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;
            _this.ctx.strokeStyle = face.strength < 100 ? 'red' : '#3D8980';

Using component in reactjs:

import React from 'react'
import FaceDetector from './FaceDetector.js'

export default class foo extends React.Component{
<FaceDetector className='canvas' active='false' showCanvas='false' fixPosition='true' width={400} height={400}>
    {position => {console.log(position)}}

if someone could help me, i will really appreciate it. Thank you guys very much

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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