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How to add a new url route to an existing CakePHP (2) project

A client of mine has a legacy CakePHP2 website which needs updating with a new page to produce a PDF and I'm really struggling to get the new method within the Controller to be called.

I have a lot of experience with PHP but I've not used it a great deal in the last five years and I've never touched CakePHP. The site was maintained by someone else but they asked me to take a look since that person has left. I know the site is running a very old version of Cake, which I've told them, but they don't want it updated at this point as it's being replaced anyway.

I've gone through the CakePHP Docs for v2 but my clients routes.php file does not seem to match up to the wildcard paths suggested in the docs.

The entry in routes.php that routes to several existing methods is:

Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'surveys', 'action' => 'index'));

I've then edited the Controller/SurveysController.php file to add in a new method so I could perform a simple test.

    public function pdf($id, $type = 1) {
        file_put_contents("/tmp/debug.log", "inside the new method");
        // Call an existing method just to load a page

I've copied the existing Views/Survey/report.ctp file to Views/Survey/pdf.ctp so, in theory, the method should be taking the same action and the view/template will also be the same.

The issue I have though is whilst I can browse to the existing URL of surveys/report/123 if I try going to the new methods URL of surveys/pdf/123 I am simply HTTP302 redirected to the websites index. The file I try to create within the view is not being created but as I'm not seeing a 404 page such as if I went to /surveys/invalid-url/123 I don't really understand what's happening.

To make things worse I can't the site running locally due to all the legacy dependencies it uses not being compatible with my current dev machine.

From what I understand of CakePHP creating the new method and new .ctp file should be all I need to do in order to allow the page to work but there's obviously something I have missed.

Hoping some fellow S/O users can point me in the right direction as to where I am going wrong.



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