I’m trying to validate a PromoCode prior to form submission. I AM able to do that but if the result is false, I am unable to submit the form unless the input field has been cleared. I’m a self-taught hobby coder and don’t really understand JS, AJAX or cfcomponent (this is my first shot at all of it.) I’ve had a great deal of help getting to this point. All additional help is greatly appreciated.
If the PromoCode the user types into the text field matches what’s stored in the DB… all is good. They submit the form and get the discount.
If the PromoCode the user types into the text field does NOT match, they get the message “Sorry, that is not a valid promo code” but cannot submit the form unless the text field has been cleared.
I need the user to be able to submit the form if the PromoCode is invalid… they just wouldn’t get the discount. We just told them it was invalid so they’re on their own. I'd hate to have the user not understand this and leave the site frustrated without registering.
$(document).ready(function() {
var validator = $("#signupform").validate({
rules: {
promocode: {
remote: {
url: "/components/promoCodeComponent.cfc?method=validatePromoCode",
data: {
courseId : $("#courseId").val()
messages: {
promocode: {
remote: jQuery.validator.format("Sorry, {0} is not a valid Promo Code")
errorClass: "text-danger",
validClass: "text-success"
<form id="signupform" autocomplete="off" method="get" action="">
<!--- demo only --->
Course Id: <input id="courseId" name="courseId" type="text" value=""><br>
Promo Code: <input id="promocode" name="promocode" type="text" value=""><br>
<input id="signupsubmit" name="signup" type="submit" value="Signup">
component {
// Note: See Application.cfc docs on setting application level datasource, i.e. "this.datasource"
remote boolean function validatePromoCode(string courseId, string promoCode) returnFormat="json"{
local.qPromoCode = queryExecute(
" SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalFound
FROM Courses
WHERE Id = :courseId
AND PromoCode = :promoCode
AND LEN(PromoCode) > 0
, {
promoCode = { value=arguments.promoCode, cfsqltype="varchar" }
, courseId = { value=arguments.courseId, cfsqltype="integer", null=!isNumeric(arguments.courseId) }
, { datasource=“My_DataSource_Name" }
if (local.qPromoCode.TotalFound gt 0) {
return true;
return false;
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