I have the results of my MongoDB db query for two variables as follows :
foodelectricity [
{ food: 'dairy', electricity: 1 },
{ food: 'fruitAndVeg', electricity: 1 },
{ food: 'grains', electricity: 1 },
{ food: 'bakedGoods', electricity: 5 },
{ food: 'protein', electricity: 1 }
foodresults { bakedGoods: 1, dairy: 3, fruitAndVeg: 1, grains: 2, protein: 1 }
I need to multiyply the number values in foodresults times the electricity associated with that same item type in food electricity.
For example :
let helpValue = foodresults.bakedGoods = 1 * foodElectricity.food.bakedGoods = 5.
I not believe that MongoDB returns the array in the same order each time -- so some sort of key value matching is required.
I am having trouble figuring out how to find the helpValue.
Any help is deeply appreciated.
With thanks Karen
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