Pytorch Implementation of Feedforward ANN with Varying Inputs: RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn
I'm trying to work with a custom Feedforward implementation that takes varying rows of the input and performs some sort of operation on it.
For example, imagine if the function, f
, just sums the rows and columns of an input Tensor:
f = lambda x: torch.sum(x) # sum across all dimensions, producing a scalar
Now, for the input Tensor I have an (n, m)
matrix and I want to map the function f
over all the rows except the row under consideration. For example, here is the vanilla implementation that works:
d = [] # append the values to d
my_tensor = torch.rand(3, 5, requires_grad=True) # = (n, m)
indices = list(range(n)) # list of indices
for i in range(n): # loop through the indices
curr_range = indices[:i] + indices[i+1:] # fetch all indices except for the current one
d.append(f(my_tensor[curr_range]) # calculate sum over all elements excluding row i
Produces a (n, 1)
matrix, which is what I want. The problem is Pytorch cannot auto-differentiate over this and I'm getting errors having to do with lack of grad because I have non-primitive Torch operations:
RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn
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