I'm attempting to use Salesforce FuelSDK to pull audit items (i.e. click events, unsub events, bounce events, etc.) from our client's Marketing Cloud. I'm sure this is down to my inexperience with APIs, but although I'm able to get a success code from "get()", I'm not sure how to pull the actual content. The end goal is to pull each event type into its own dataframe. Here's what I have so far: import FuelSDK import ET_Client import pandas as pd import requests # In[2]: #define local variables clientid= 'client_id_code_here' clientsecret='client_secret_code_here' subdomain = 'mcx1k2thcht5qzdsm6962p8ln2c8' auth_base_url = f'https://{subdomain}.auth.marketingcloudapis.com/' rest_url = f'https://{subdomain}.rest.marketingcloudapis.com/' soap_url=f'https://{subdomain}.soap.marketingcloudapis.com/' # In[3]: #Passing config as a parameter to ET_Client constructor: myClient = FuelSDK.ET_Cli...
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