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Can't Implement Cython File into Python File and create Executable using Pyinstaller

I wanted to obfuscate ( Protect ) my Python Code so it couldn't be easily readed by others ( users ).I'm making a program for Public Usage, but I want my Source Code to be hidden.It would be an offline Program.

I saw many texts on many Websites about Cython, so I started Investigating its behaviour.Few Websites connected Cython with Sentinel LDK Envelope, so I tried using them both, but there wasn't any success with Sentinel LDK Envelope because of the Program's nature.I created Python Extension ( .pyd ) and C File with Cython of my Python File.I tried making it work in various ways.I tried compiling Cython C File Code to Executable using Visual Studio 2022 and gcc, but that wasn't successful because of the Errors that were in that Code ( Couldn't import "Python.h" and few other Modules, I tried linking them directly and few other things, but that wasn't so successful ).After that, I tried to create an Executable from Python Extension.I imported Python Extension into Python File ( I created new File for Importing the Extension ) and making an Executable of that Python File with the implementation of the Python Extension.Python File was working when it was ran in the local folder, but it didn't work outside that Folder.The Program didn't work neither in the Local folder.I tried using auto-py-to-exe to make it work after that, but it didn't work.I tried implementing the function in the Python File which would create and Temp File and store the Python Extension, but that didn't work either.I need solution for this.

Operating System: Windows 10 .

Original Code ( Example ) Imported Extensions ( Modules ):

import time
import sys
import random
import os
import string

Python Original Code ( Example ):

import time
import sys
import random
import os
import string

def example_function():
    print("Hello, this is Example Text.")
    print("Hello this is Second Example Text.")

Saved it as .py and .pyx. Code for this Example:

import distutils.core
import Cython.Build
    ext_modules = Cython.Build.cythonize("timed_program.pyx"))

Created .C and .pyd file using this and Cython. Command:

python build_ext --inplace

Made another Python File with Code for this Example:

import timed_program



As you can see above, I called the Function, I tried this to be automatically without calling the function, but that didn't work neither.

I ran auto-py-to-exe after this because I tried using pyinstaller directly, but it didn't work either.

When Problem Starts ( Pyinstaller Error ):

RuntimeError: input(): lost sys.stdin

The Input is placed in one function and that function is called by two more functions.It doesn't make any problems in Python, but it isn't acceptable in Cython for some reason.

Read above Text so you know what else did I try and what was the Output of this try.

The Original Program is a Compiler ( It takes data from one file, translates it and saves it into another file ). Solution Needed.



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