I would like some help to modify this script here: Upload multiple large files to Google Drive using Google Apps Script
The question is the following: this script uploads to a folder within the folder defined in const uploadParentFolderId = "1cOe4ZXjBUZHgPwADg1QRpUzcQqGxON_4";
which is in the forms.html
file, the problem is that I intend to call this script within a spreadsheet through an html alert
and I would like that the file was uploaded inside a folder of the spreadsheet folder, that is, the script would need to get the ID
of the spreadsheet folder.
Javascript is a language that is a little out of my daily life, but I'm trying to learn it on my own...
If anyone can give me a light on this, it will be of great help!
I tried this:
var ssid = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
var AllFolders = DriveApp.getFileById(ssid).getParents();
var ChildFolderTest;
if (AllFolders.hasNext()) {
ChildFolderTest = AllFolders.next();
var FinalFolderID = ChildFolderTest.getId();
const chunkSize = 5242880;
const uploadParentFolderId = FinalFolderID; // creates a folder inside of this folder
But for some reason it doesn't work, the upload doesn't start.
Any idea how to resolve?
Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/9yCVw1N
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