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Message doesn't get deleted in Discord but I dont get any error

On a discord bot I'm trying to continually clear some channels with the code below so that you can add channels and set a scheduled clear specified for it with time interval in hours or in minutes. So, when I type
!cc channelid1 3h
!cc channelid2 12h,
it will add 2 separated channels to be cleared at their specific time

When I do !start in Discord, I get Scheduled clear started. But no message is deleted and there is no error in output, terminal or logs

The code is below. What did I do wrong? Something not logical ? in the code any other approach ?

import discord
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
intents = discord.Intents.all()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents)

channels_to_clear = {}  # Dictionary of channel IDs and their clear frequencies
hours_between_clears = 24  # The default number of hours between clearings is 24 hours
channel_clear_frequencies = {}  # Dictionary to store the clear frequencies for each channel

# Define the scheduled clear task
async def scheduled_clear():
    now =
    for channel_id in channels_to_clear:
        channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
        clear_frequency = channels_to_clear[channel_id]['clear_frequency']
        if (now - channels_to_clear[channel_id]['last_cleared']).total_seconds() / 3600 >= clear_frequency:
            messages = []
            two_weeks_ago = - timedelta(days=14)
            async for message in channel.history(limit=None):
                if not message.pinned and message.created_at > two_weeks_ago:
            for i in range(0, len(messages), 100):
                    await channel.delete_messages(messages[i:i+100])
                except discord.HTTPException as e:
                    print(f"An error occurred while deleting messages: {e}")
            channels_to_clear[channel_id]['last_cleared'] = now

# Define the add and remove channel commands, and set_clear_frequency
async def clear_channel(ctx, channel_id: int, time_interval: str):
    '''!cc channelid time in hours or minutes. !cc 12345678 3m'''
    global channels_to_clear
        if time_interval.endswith("h"):
            hours = int(time_interval[:-1])
            if channel_id in channels_to_clear:
                channels_to_clear[channel_id]['clear_frequency'] = hours
                await ctx.send(f"Clear frequency for <#{channel_id}> set to {hours} hours.")
                channels_to_clear[channel_id] = {'clear_frequency': hours, 'last_cleared':}
                await ctx.send(f"Added channel <#{channel_id}> to the list of channels to clear with a clear frequency of {hours} hours.")
        elif time_interval.endswith("m"):
            minutes = int(time_interval[:-1])
            hours = minutes / 60
            if channel_id in channels_to_clear:
                channels_to_clear[channel_id]['clear_frequency'] = hours
                await ctx.send(f"Clear frequency for <#{channel_id}> set to {minutes} minutes ({hours} hours).")
                channels_to_clear[channel_id] = {'clear_frequency': hours, 'last_cleared':}
                await ctx.send(f"Added channel <#{channel_id}> to the list of channels to clear with a clear frequency of {minutes} minutes ({hours} hours).")
            await ctx.send("Invalid time interval. Please specify a time interval in hours (h) or minutes (m).")
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send(f"An error occurred while processing your request: {e}")

async def remove_channel(ctx, channel_id: int):
    if channel_id in channels_to_clear:
        await ctx.send(f"Removed channel <#{channel_id}> from the list of channels to clear.")
        await ctx.send(f"Channel <#{channel_id}> is not in the list of channels to clear.")

# Define the start and stop commands 
async def start(ctx): #start the clearing command
        for channel_id in channels_to_clear:
            scheduled_clear.change_interval(hours=channel_clear_frequencies.get(channel_id, hours_between_clears))
        await ctx.send("Scheduled clear started.")
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send(f"An error occurred while starting the scheduled clear: {e}")

async def stop(ctx): #stop the clearing command
    await ctx.send("Scheduled clear stopped.")

async def set_clear_frequency(ctx, channel_id: int, time_interval: str):
        if channel_id in channels_to_clear:
            if time_interval.endswith("h"):
                hours = int(time_interval[:-1])
                channel_clear_frequencies[channel_id] = hours
                await ctx.send(f"Clear frequency for channel <#{channel_id}> set to {hours} hours.")
            elif time_interval.endswith("m"):
                minutes = int(time_interval[:-1])
                hours = minutes / 60
                channel_clear_frequencies[channel_id] = hours
                await ctx.send(f"Clear frequency for channel <#{channel_id}> set to {minutes} minutes.")
                await ctx.send("Invalid time interval. Please specify a time interval in hours (h) or minutes (m).")
            await ctx.send(f"Channel <#{channel_id}> is not in the list of channels to clear.")
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send(f"An error occurred while setting clear frequency: {e}")

# Define the list_channels command
async def list_channels(ctx):
    if channels_to_clear:
        embed = discord.Embed(title="Channels to Clear", color=0x00ff00)
        for channel_id in channels_to_clear:
            channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
            clear_frequency = channels_to_clear[channel_id]['clear_frequency']
            clear_frequency_str = f"{clear_frequency} hours"
            if clear_frequency < 1:
                clear_frequency_str = f"{clear_frequency * 60} minutes"
            embed.add_field(name=f"{} ({})", value=f"Clear frequency: {clear_frequency_str}")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await ctx.send("There are no channels to clear.")'Token')



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