I'm writing a word guessing game and I have a few variables to select the targetted word from an array of words. But I'm also trying to implement theme choosing for the game as well. However, when I click on the theme selector button, it doesn't seem to be updating the targetted word at all. Please have a look at my code and help if you are able to!
* This array will contain the words that will be used as answer the of game.
* The words will be coming from runGame function when user select theme of the game.
let targetWords = []
* This array will take on the one word from the tagetWords array so the user can guess.
* This should change with the theme
const targetWord = runGame()
* Logic for the game to select which theme the target word needs to be
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
let buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
for (let button of buttons) {
button.addEventListener('click', function () {
let gameTheme = this.getAttribute('data-type');
* Starts the game and select which targetWords list to use based on what the theme user selected.
function runGame(gameTheme) {
// if the user select fruit theme, the target word will be from this array
if (gameTheme === "fruit") {
targetWords = ["acorn", "carob", "dates", "gourd", "grape", "lemon", "limes", "mango", "melon", "olive", "peach", "pears", "plums", "prune", "salak"];
// if the user select vegatable theme, the target word will be from this array
if (gameTheme === "vegetable") {
targetWords = ["azuki", "basil", "beans", "caper", "chard", "dulse", "enoki", "grain", "groat", "maize", "morel", "pinto", "ramps", "thyme", "wheat"];
const chosenWord = targetWords[Math.floor(Math.random() * 15)];
return chosenWord;
* Starts the app and let user able to click or press key to enter their guess.
function startGame() {
document.addEventListener("click", handleMouseClick);
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress);
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The blank targetWords array should take on either "fruit" words or "vegetable" words depending on which theme the user selected. But at the moment its not doing that
Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/LRtCm1e
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