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How to merge 2 dataframes on multiple columns containing duplicates

so I have 2 dataframes df1 and df2. df1 names = ['Bob', 'Joe', '', 'Bob', '0000', 'Alice', 'Joe', 'Alice', 'Bob', ''] df1 = pd.DataFrame({'names': names,'ages': ages}) df2 names_in_student_db = [' Bob', ' Joe ', '', ' Bob ', 'Chris', 'Alice', 'Joe ', 'Alice ', ' Bob ', 'Daniel'] df2 = pd.DataFrame({'student_names': names_in_student_db,'grades': grades}) Now, I want to merge these 2 dataframes but obviously, there are 2 problems: names and names_in_student_db are not fully identical. Both of them contain duplicates — this seems to be making merge functions to throw an error. Also, duplicates in one column are not the same (meaning let's say, 1st Bob and 3rd Bob in any of these columns are not the same person), but let's say the 2nd Bob in 1st column and 2nd Bob in the 2nd column are

LightningJS rendering off-screen elements

I am using the LightningJS framework for an app. In the docs it states: Lightning has many other tricks up his sleeve to save performance, such as not having to render invisible parts (alpha:0 or visible:false) and detecting when branches are guaranteed to be out of screen. However, when an element is not shown, the attribute visible is set to true , contrary to what I believed would happen. Am I misunderstanding the documentation, or am I missing something? If so, how can I detect when an element is off-screen so I can turn its visibility off? Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow

Need to merge jsons representing parent child relationship

I have json values to be depicted in jstree format I want a union of json1 and json2 like the following merged json The data for this jstree is in the following format json1: [ { "id" : "ajson2", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Root node 2" }, { "id" : "ajson3", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 1" }, { "id" : "ajson4", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "xxxxx" }, ] json2: [ { "id" : "ajson2", "parent" : "#", "text" : "Root node 2" }, { "id" : "ajson3", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "Child 1" }, { "id" : "ajson4", "parent" : "ajson2", "text" : "yyyyy" }, ] Desired output: [ { &

Activating a virtual environnement inside a .bat stops it from executing next commands

My .bat file looks like this: cd somewhere virtualenv/Scripts/activate cd somewhere_else set python -m flask flask run However the .bat stops after the second line ( virtualenv/Scripts/activate ). How can I make it keep executing the following lines ? source

Updating variable imported from other Python script

I have defined a variable (a list) in a Python script A and import it in script B, like so: from app import keywords At some point script A updates the variable (appends list items), but while script B is running, the variable doesn't update. I've tried with reload but then I get following error message: TypeError: reload() argument must be a module Am I missing something? source

Nested for loop is incorrect for the second number

I am testing a simple nested for loop that combines year and month year_time = range(2014, 2016) month_time = [ '0101', '0201', '0301', '0401', '0501', '0601', '0701', '0801', '0901', '1001', '1101', '1201' ] for year_time in year_time: for month_time in month_time: print (str(year_time) + month_time) The ideal output is 20140101, 20140201 ... 20151101, 20151201 . However, the actual output is 20140101, 20140201 ... 20151 . Where do I get wrong? source