If a variable contains an existing function, how can you replace something inside its code? It seems toString() (in order to replace the string) adds an "extra" function() { } and therefore fails. For example changing test1 into test2 or test3 in: var theparent = { myfunc: function () { console.log('test1'); } } console.log(theparent.myfunc); theparent.myfunc(); theparent.myfunc = new Function("console.log('test2')"); // Works console.log(theparent.myfunc); theparent.myfunc(); theparent.myfunc = new Function(theparent.myfunc.toString().replace('test2', 'test3')); // Adds function() { } console.log(theparent.myfunc); theparent.myfunc(); // Fails Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/WQMG1jy
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