Where and how is this Laravel kernel constructor called?
public fucntion __construct(Application $app, $Router $roouter) {
I have read the documentation and some online tutorial but I can find any clear explanation.
I am learning Laravel and I am wondering where does this kernel constructor receives its arguments from.
"POSTMOTERM" CLARIFICATION: Here is more clarity.I have checked the boostrap/app.php and it is only used for boostrapping the interfaces into the container class.
What is not clear to me is where and how the Kernel class is instatiated and the arguments passed to the object calling the constructor.Something similar to;
obj = new kernel(arg1,arg2)
or, is the framework using some magic functions somewhere?
Special gratitude to those who burn their eyeballs and brain cells on this trivia before it goes into a full blown menopause alias "MARKED AS DUPLICATE".
To some of the itchy-finger keyboard warriors, a.k.a The mods,because I believe in the BIG SKY ZOMBY, may he eat all your lungs.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68319077/where-and-how-is-this-laravel-kernel-constructor-called
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