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How can I select multiple items that are generated in real time with JS?

I'm trying to get the user preferences, which will be 5 or 10, I haven't defined that yet.

But the options that will be shown in the first instance are the following (They are being retrieved in a JSON through a WebApi, but for example, I put what I get):

    $json2 = '{"0":{"Id_Categoria":2,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631725779\/neb2ymglgqmmaexgkcez.png","Nombre":"Vinos y licores","Activo":1,"demanda":148},"1":{"Id_Categoria":1,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631725152\/umk40bjvcxpoc08bcu7q.png","Nombre":"Calzado","Activo":1,"demanda":52},"2":{"Id_Categoria":21,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Carnicerias","Activo":1,"demanda":9},"3":{"Id_Categoria":22,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Cafeterias","Activo":1,"demanda":7},"4":{"Id_Categoria":25,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Taquerias","Activo":1,"demanda":7},"5":{"Id_Categoria":3,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631725966\/q5cczltjedz1wg1iat8f.jpg","Nombre":"Articulos (c\u00f3mputo)","Activo":1,"demanda":6},"6":{"Id_Categoria":24,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Tintorerias","Activo":1,"demanda":6},"7":{"Id_Categoria":4,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Paletass y helados","Activo":1,"demanda":5},"8":{"Id_Categoria":5,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726157\/qad9inm54ma56s2s4tta.png","Nombre":"Comercios de Pintura","Activo":1,"demanda":5},"9":{"Id_Categoria":23,"Imagen":"https:\/\/\/dcksq4ylu\/image\/upload\/v1631726499\/ciperp26mazrm7wao9fs.png","Nombre":"Ferreterias","Activo":1,"demanda":4}}';

I am retrieving this JSON with ajax in the following way (I think it is the simplest):

$("#Abrir").click(function() {
        //invocar json desde jquery
        $("#Class2 div").remove();
            url: "prueba.php",
            //Datos que se envian a prueba.php
            data: {},
            //Cambiar a type: POST si necesario
            type: "GET",
            // Formato de datos que se espera en la respuesta
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(datos) {
                //Información que llega
                var salida = "";
                $.each(datos, function(i, val) {
                    salida += "<div class='box Ide_Cat box" + val.Id_Categoria + "' id=" + val
                        .Id_Categoria + ">";
                    salida += "<img src='" + val.Imagen + "' alt = '" + val.Id_Categoria +
                    salida += "<h2 id='Nom'>" + val.Nombre + "</h2>";
                    salida += "<input type='hidden' Id ='Id_cat'value='" + val
                        .Id_Categoria + "'>";
                    salida += "</div>";
            error: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
                console.log("La solicitud a fallado: " + error);
                console.log("La solicitud a fallado: " + jqXHR);
                console.log("La solicitud a fallado: " + status);
            complete: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
                //alert("Transaccion completa");

and they're getting in here:

<div class="container-box " id="Class2">
  <div id="box" class="box">
    <input type="hidden" value="12">
<div class=" row justify-content-center">
  <a href="#" id="a-submit">Enviar selecciones</a>

To get multiple selections of categories (because that's what I think would work) displayed I have found several solutions but they don't work as I think I require, because the following: on a click event it does not retrieve the Id of the category the user is selecting but retrieves the Id_ of the first category only, regardless of whether the last one was selected:

var imagenes = document.querySelectorAll('#Class2');
    var titular = document.querySelector('#Id_cat');
    var Id_cts = new Array();
    $("#Abrir").ready(function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < imagenes.length; i++) {
            imagenes[i].addEventListener('click', function(){
                var ide = ('#Id_cat').val();
                var nombre = $('#Nom').val();
                console.log("El id de la categoria seleccionada es: "+ ide + " y el nombre es: " + nombre)
                var texto = "nombre";

And the following code only works by pressing the CTRL button although it still only retrieves the id_category of the first category regardless if you select the last one:

var selected_rows = []
    $("#Class2").click(function() {
        let clicked_row = $(this)
        if (clicked_row.hasClass('selected')) {
        } else {

    $('#a-submit').click(function() {
        data = []
        selections = $('.selected')
        selections.each((index, element) => {
            let row_content = {
                Id_cat: $(element).find('#Id_cat').val(),
                lastname: $(element).find('#Nom').text(),
        console.log("Your selections:", data)

In a nutshell:

Based on the JSON categories.

1-. I want to get the user's preferences

2.- There must be at least 5 or more categories selected.



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