A CSV file has been provided where a list of students have taken an exam with 6 questions. Each question is either scored manually (like for an essay) or automatically (like for an MCQ) but never both manually or automatically. A python script is need to return, for each student, their user name and the total number of points they have scored for the exam. The table returned as q1Out.csv has 2 columns: Username and RawMark.
The following code has been provided:
def read_data_file(filename):
with open(filename) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
# Pull in the data into a data structure into a a list of lists,
csv_data = list(reader)
return csv_data
def calculate_raw_grades(data):
# Define the data structure for collecting grades for each student.
# A dummy list has been added just to make the stub run.
grades = list()
return grades
def write_report(grades, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate some raw grades!')
parser.add_argument('source', type=str, default='exam_for_2020.csv', nargs='?',
help='the name of the csv file with grade data to be processed')
parser.add_argument('target', type=str, default='q1Out.csv', nargs='?',
help='the name of the csv file where processed data gets written')
args = parser.parse_args()
data = read_data_file(args.source)
write_report(calculate_raw_grades(data), args.target)
This is the CSV file that has been provided:
Username,Last Name,First Name,Question ID,Possible Points,Auto Score,Manual Score
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 1,1,1,
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 2,1,0,
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 3,1,0,
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 4,1,0,
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 6,5,,1.5
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 1,1,0,
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 2,1,1,
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 3,1,1,
mbasnji9,Isita,Charlie,Question ID 5,1,1,
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 4,1,0,
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 5,1,1,
mbasafw4,Scarsella,Quiana,Question ID 6,5,,2
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 1,1,0,
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 2,1,1,
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 3,1,0,
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 4,1,1,
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 5,1,0,
mbastxd8,Rodrigues,Nakita,Question ID 6,5,,4.5
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 1,1,1,
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 2,1,1,
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 3,1,0,
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 4,1,0,
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 5,1,0,
mbasfep1,Kincannon,Louvenia,Question ID 6,5,,3
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 1,1,1,
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 2,1,1,
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 3,1,1,
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 4,1,1,
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 5,1,1,
mbasagi8,Ritthaler,Emogene,Question ID 6,5,,3.5
Therefore the expected output for the first student would be:
mbasnji9, 2.5
How would I go by implementing this.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69397795/how-to-calculate-the-grade-from-a-csv-file-and-output-to-a-csv
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