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How do I find a tag using BeautifulSoup?

I am trying to scrape a German Billiard League website for results, to tabulate and submit to a rating system that requires a certain format. I am no python expert, but I have muddled through how to pull a complete list of links from the root League page, and to get Date, Home/Visitor teams, and now I am trying to capture individual match data.

Here is the relevant HTML:

<td colspan="3" nowrap="" rowspan="2" width="100"><b>
                                Spiel 2<br/>8-Ball                      </b>
<td class="home up" colspan="6" valign="top">Christian Fachinger</td>
<td class="visitor up" colspan="7" valign="top">Michael Schneider</td>
<td class="home down" colspan="6" valign="top">7</td>
<td class="visitor down" colspan="7" valign="top">4</td>


I am trying to find the "td" tag that contains the text string "Spiel 2". I should then be able to pull the game - "8-ball", and then move on to figuring out how to capture the data inside the relevant "class" tags. For the life of me, I cannot get a result back. I have tried many permutations of various soup commands, but either get a "None", or "[]". I "think" it might have something to do with the extra spaces, but have tried various regex-centric commands, but have not been able to "select" this td tag to do further data gathering.

What am I doing wrong? I know I am not coding this in the most efficient manner, and this is the first time I have tried to write a web scraper, and in general, am a python newb.


import requests
import re
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

URL = ""

def import_all_links():
    page = requests.get(URL).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser")
    path ="a[href*=matchday]")

    for link in path:
        file1 = open("league.txt", "a")  # append mode
        file1.write("" + link['href'] + '\n')

def get_date():
    links_file = open(r'C:\Users\Russ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Python 3.10\league.txt', "r") 
    for day_link in links_file:
        day_link = day_link.rstrip("\n")
        soup = requests.get(day_link).text
        day_links_parse = BeautifulSoup(soup, "html.parser")
        date ='label:contains(Datum)')
        league ='label:contains(Saison)')
        home = day_links_parse.find(attrs={"class": "home"}).text
        home = home.partition(":")[2]
        visitor = day_links_parse.find(attrs={"class": "visitor"}).text
        visitor = visitor.partition(":")[2]
        **play_table = = re.compile('Spiel 2'))**  <<<<< Issue
        **print(play_table)**                                                 <<<<< Returns 0 results

        for item in date:
            date = item.next_sibling.next_sibling.text
            date = date.partition(" ")[0]
            date = date.split(".")
            date = date[1] + "\\" + date[0] + "\\" + date[2]
        for item in league:
            league = item.next_sibling.next_sibling.text
            league = league.partition(" ")[0]

        print(date, ",", league, ",", home, " (H) vs ", visitor, "(V)", sep='')

get_date() '''



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