I'm having a real hard time understanding how to mock a class that has a property and setter fixtures that access a "private" attribute.
import pytest
from pytest_mock import MockFixture
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from typing import List
class MyEntity:
_my_list: List[str] = []
def __init__(self, list_vals = []):
self._my_list = list_vals
def my_list(self) -> List[str]:
return self._my_list
def my_list(self, value: List[str]):
self._my_list = value
def append(self, value: str):
class Foo:
def generate_entity(self, list_vals: List[str]) -> MyEntity:
return MyEntity()
def set_values(self, entity: MyEntity, list_vals: List[str]) -> MyEntity:
entity.my_list = list_vals
return entity
def add_value(self, entity: MyEntity, value: str) -> MyEntity:
return entity
def mock_my_entity(mocker: MockFixture) -> MagicMock:
namespace = f"{__name__}.{MyEntity.__name__}"
mock_my_entity = mocker.patch(namespace, autospec=True)
return mock_my_entity.return_value
def test_foo(mock_my_entity):
expect_list_values = ["Hello", "World"]
foo = Foo()
entity = foo.generate_entity(expect_list_values)
assert len(entity._my_list) == 0
entity = foo.set_values(entity, expect_list_values)
assert entity._my_list == expect_list_values
expected_extra_value = "more"
entity = foo.add_value(entity, expected_extra_value)
assert entity._my_list == expect_list_values + expected_extra_value
After running the test, this is what I get:
mock_my_entity = <NonCallableMagicMock name='MyEntity()' spec='MyEntity' id='4351847632'>
def test_foo(mock_my_entity):
expect_list_values = ["Hello", "World"]
foo = Foo()
entity = foo.generate_entity(expect_list_values)
assert len(entity._my_list) == 0
entity = foo.set_values(entity, expect_list_values)
> assert entity._my_list == expect_list_values
E AssertionError: assert <MagicMock na...='4362862544'> == ['Hello', 'World']
E Right contains 2 more items, first extra item: 'Hello'
E Full diff:
E - <MagicMock name='MyEntity()._my_list' spec='list' id='4362862544'>
E + ['Hello', 'World']
scratchpad.py:58: AssertionError
I've also tried using PropertyMock
in various ways, but nothing seems to work.
How do I get this to work. How do I mock the MyEntity
class so that everything works the way it should?
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70464598/pytest-mocking-property-and-setter
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