I am working on airport data and I am new to python. I have a code in STATA and I need help to convert it into python [closed]
I am working on airport data and I am new to python. I have a code in STATA and I need help to convert it into python. The code is as follows:
gen FlightID= origin+ dest+ op_unique_carrier+ string(op_carrier_fl_num)
egen N_Flights = count( FlightID ), by ( FlightID )
keep fl_date op_unique_carrier tail_num origin dest crs_dep_time dep_time dep_delay taxi_out wheels_off wheels_on taxi_in crs_arr_time arr_time FlightID N_Flights
drop taxi_in crs_arr_time //crs_dep_time
drop if dep_time==.
drop if wheels_off==.
keep if origin=="EWR"
drop if wheels_off<dep_time //revisit to bring back those flights around midnight
sort fl_date dep_time
gen fl_id=_n
//gen Departed = 1
//replace Departed= Departed[_n-1]+1 if _n>1
sort fl_date wheels_off
//gen Tookoff = 0
//replace Tookoff= Tookoff[_n-1]+1 if _n>1
//gen DepartedQ=Departed-Tookoff
gen date=date(fl_date, "YMD")
format date %td
gen dow=dow( date)+1
gen QuJump=0
replace QuJump=1 if dep_time>dep_time[_n+1] & date==date[_n+1]
gen QuJumpMin=(dep_time-dep_time[_n+1])+(wheels_off[_n+1]-wheels_off)
summarize QuJumpMin if QuJumpMin>0
gen id = _n
gen obs=2
expand obs
drop obs
sort id
gen time_stamp=dep_time
replace time_stamp=wheels_off if id==id[_n-1]
gen stamp="dep_time"
replace stamp="wheels_off" if id==id[_n-1]
sort fl_date time_stamp
gen Qid = _n
gen QLength=1
replace QLength=cond(stamp=="dep_time" & _n>=2,QLength[_n-1]+1,cond(stamp=="wheels_off" & _n>=2,QLength[_n-1]-1,QLength))
gen Tookoff = 0
replace Tookoff=cond(stamp=="wheels_off" & _n>=2,Tookoff[_n-1]+1,cond(stamp=="dep_time" & _n>=2,Tookoff[_n-1],Tookoff))
sort fl_id stamp
gen QJumpSpots=QLength-(Tookoff[_n+1]-Tookoff) if stamp=="dep_time" & fl_id==fl_id[_n+1]
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72382902/i-am-working-on-airport-data-and-i-am-new-to-python-i-have-a-code-in-stata-and
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