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How to run browser based tests when using typescript and esbuild?

Some background context:

I'm working on a game written in BABYLONJS, which renders 3D graphics inside an HTML5 canvas using webGL. That is to say this project is not a typical Web UI where I need to test DOM elements like button clicks or form submits. BABYLON JS has its own way of simulating pointer events in the context of a 3D scene and you can pass it a pointerInfo object that mocks if a mesh was hit etc., and that's what I would like to use.

My project came bootstrapped with esbuild. I love it because it's fast at transpiling typescript and bundles everything into a single artifact and doesn't produce javascript artifacts next to my typescript files, so my directories are clean.

I started testing using jest. This was fine until I started running into issues where

Window is not defined

would crop up. It was because the code being tested brought other code along that was testing window.navigator... for attributes to see if this was a mobile device or not. I could try to mock the Window object but it is a pain. Also when trying to simulate a click the PointerEvent was not defined. I tried tried adding JSDOM, but that didn't seem to help and I wasn't able to get unblocked. It just seemed like I was trying to use a tool built for node, when I should just test in a real browser.

But Googling "browser based testing" usually finds results I don't want. I'm not looking for full end-to-end user interaction testing. I don't want selenium/chrome driver style of testing because:

  1. it's slow
  2. my project is not a traditional website, I don't have many HTML elements for a user to interact with
  3. I don't want to test the whole stack of logging in, dealing with authentication etc.

I just want to test classes and functions in small unit test level, but I need access to Window and PointerEvent and all the goodies that come with a browser for free.

Next I looked at Jasmine. Jasmine standalone has a browser based SpecRunner.html. It's a single HTML page that you modify. It includes its own jasmine boot scripts that are loaded with script tags, and then your source code files and your test files are also imported as JS files with script tags.

This seemed promising in that the tests run in a browser so presumably they have access to the window object. However, both my specs and my source code are written in typescript, not javascript, so how do I place my code and tests into the SpecRunner.html?

esbuild is only bundling a single output artifact. If instead of using esbuild, If I used the tsc command and pollute my directories full of javascript artifacts, then yes, the jasmine SpecRunner.html would have access to the javascript files, but tsc is slower and js files everywhere is messy.

But before I get too far on this,... I think the downside to this approach is that for every test file I write, I need to manually modify SpecRunner.html to include all the source code to be tested and all the test files which will be annoying to maintain whenever file paths or file names change.


Any advice on what is a good solution to run unit tests with a real browser (not selenium style) when using typescript and esbuild? I don't have a real preference for any particular test framework.

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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