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Jupyter Notebook Multiprocessing code not working

I am new in python i have Anaconda Pyton 3.9 I was studying about Multiprocessing.

When i try this code

from multiprocessing import Process # gerekli kütüphaneyi çağıracağız.

import time

def subfunc1():
    print("subfunc1: Baslatildi")
    print("subfunc1: Sonlandi")

def subfunc2():
    print("subfunc2: Baslatildi")
    print("subfunc2: Sonlandi")
def mainfunc():
    print("mainfunc: Baslatildi")
    pr1 = Process(target=subfunc1)
    pr2 = Process(target=subfunc2)
    print("mainfunc: Sonlandi")
if __name__ == '__main__': # Main kod bloğunun içerisindeyken main fonk çağır!

result is

    mainfunc: Baslatildi
    mainfunc: Sonlandi

When i use Visual Code with Python 3.9 i have a virtual and code works! Visual Code uses Anaconda's python 3.9 within a virtual env!

Could you please help me? Whey this code can't work properly in Jupyter Notebook?




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