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Barista BOT functioning from my mobile but not from else's mobile [closed]

I have created a Barista BOT. Further, I have set up the function in BOT to 'Log Incoming Text Messages in Google Sheets'. When I use my mobile number to send message to Twilio number to operate the BOT, I get all response from BOT and also storage of chosen drink in google sheet. But when I use some one else's mobile to send message to Twilio number, I get no response from BOT. When I check the 'Executions' under Logs for BOT, I see that the BOT is under execution. I stop it manually by pressing the 'Stop Execution' option. The Error logs under monitoring in Console gives

'Error - 81002'-

Message Unexpected event

Error Description An unexpected event was received while processing a widget. Studio ignored this event and did not transition to another widget because there was no matching transition available to handle the event. Note: If the Execution ended correctly, this warning can be ignored.

The function that I am using is as below -

const { google } = require('googleapis');
const fs = require('fs').promises;

const isAuthValid = (authJson) =>
  authJson.client_email &&
  authJson.client_email !== '<YOUR SERVICE ACCOUNT EMAIL ADDRESS>' &&
  authJson.private_key &&
  authJson.private_key !== '<YOUR PRIVATE KEY BLOCK HERE>';

exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) {
  //const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
  try {
    const authJson = JSON.parse(
      await fs.readFile(Runtime.getAssets()[context.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS].path)

    if (!isAuthValid(authJson)) {
      throw new Error('Invalid authentication JSON file');

    const auth = new google.auth.JWT({
      email: authJson.client_email,
      key: authJson.private_key,
      scopes: [''],
    const sheets = google.sheets({
      version: 'v4',

    await sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({
      spreadsheetId: context.DOCUMENT_ID,
      range: `'${context.SHEET_NAME}'`,
      valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
      requestBody: {
        values: [[event.messagesid, event.from, event.drink]],

    //twiml.message('Thanks for your feedback! :)');
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.code === 404) {
        'Could not find your Google Sheets document. Please ensure DOCUMENT_ID is correct.'
    } else if (
      error.code === 400 &&
      error.errors &&
      error.errors[0] &&
    ) {
        `Google sheets error: ${error.errors[0].message}. Please ensure SHEET_NAME is a valid spreadsheet inside your document.`
    } else {
        `Google Sheets integration error: ${error.message || error}`

    //  'Failed to save to Google Sheets. Please check the debugger in your Twilio console.'

  callback(null, 'success');

Please help me to resolve the issue. The BOT should be accessible to all the phone numbers.

Desired behaviour - The BOT should be accessible to all the phone numbers
A specific problem - When I use some one else's mobile to send message to Twilio number, I get no response from BOT
Shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem - as given in the code block above

Thanks in advance!!

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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