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Why is my function refuse to store or update inputs

I am unable to Create an event listener to save the entry when it changes. I tried everything I could, from swapping var between different lines of code to add .value at end of some of my var to see if he'd work. Sorry, I am not really good on describing the issue or even coding, but normally this function should Create an event listener to save the entry when it changes. When this change is complete, we should see items change in the ‘Application’ or ‘Storage’ tab of your browser developer tools after you type text on the page, and move the focus away from the text input (e.g. by pressing the Tab key on your keyboard or clicking elsewhere on the page). When you reload the page these entries will reappear on the page.

     * Make diary data item
     * @param type Type of item to create, either "text" or "image"
     * @param data Item data, either text or data URL
     * @returns JSON string to store in local storage
    function makeItem(type, data) {
        var itemObject = { type: type, data: data };
        return JSON.stringify(itemObject);

 * Add a section to the page containing the given element
 * @param key Key of item in local storage
 * @param entryElement HTML element to place inside the section
function addSection(key, entryElement) {
    // Create a section element to contain the new entry
    var sectionElement = document.createElement("section");

    // Give the section a class to allow styling

    // Add the element to the section

    // Create a button to delete the entry
    var deleteButton = document.createElement("button");
    deleteButton.innerHTML = "×";
    deleteButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Delete entry");

    // Create an event listener to delete the entry
    function deleteEntry() {
        // A new version of this function is created every time addSection is called,
        // so it can access all the variables available in this call to addSection
        console.log("deleteEntry called with variables in scope:", {

        // Remove the section from the page

        // Remove the item from local storage by key

    // Connect the event listener to the button 'click' event
    deleteButton.addEventListener("click", deleteEntry);

    // Add the delete button to the section

    // Get a reference to the element containing the diary entries
    var diaryElement = document.querySelector("main");

    // Get a reference to the first button section (Add entry/photo) in the diary element
    var buttonElement = diaryElement.querySelector("section.button");

    // Add the section to the page after existing entries,
    // but before the buttons
    diaryElement.insertBefore(sectionElement, buttonElement);

# This is where i am stuck
 * @param key Key of item in local storage
 * @param initialText Initial text of diary entry
 * @param isNewEntry true if this is a new entry to start typing into
function addTextEntry(key, initialText, isNewEntry) {
    // Create a textarea element to edit the entry
    var textareaElement = document.createElement("textarea");
    textareaElement.rows = 5;
    textareaElement.placeholder = "(new entry)";

    // Set the textarea's value to the given text (if any)
    textareaElement.value = initialText;

    // Add a section to the page containing the textarea
    addSection(key, textareaElement);

    // If this is a new entry (added by the user clicking a button)
    // move the focus to the textarea to encourage typing
    if (isNewEntry) {

    // Create an event listener to save the entry when it changes
    // (i.e. when the user types into the textarea)
    function saveEntry() {
        // A new version of this function is created every time addTextEntry is called,
        // so it can access all the variables available in this call to addTextEntry
        console.log("saveEntry called with variables in scope:", {

        // Save the text entry:
    textareaElement = document.getElementById("text").innerHTML;

        // ...make a text item using the value
    isNewEntry = makeItem("text", textareaElement);

    // Store the item in local storage
        localStorage.setItem(key, isNewEntry);
    // Connect the saveEntry event listener to the textarea element 'change' event
    var inputText = document.querySelector("textarea");
    inputText.addEventListener("change", processFile);
# Stuck until there

 * @param key Key of item in local storage
 * @param data Data URL of image data
function addImageEntry(key, data) {
    // Create a image element
    var imgElement = new Image();
    imgElement.alt = "Photo entry";

    // Load the image
    imgElement.src = data;

    // Add a section to the page containing the image
    addSection(key, imgElement);

 * Function to handle Add text button 'click' event
function addEntryClick() {
    // Add an empty text entry, using the current timestamp to make a key
    var key = "diary" +;
    var initialText = "";
    var isNewEntry = true;
    addTextEntry(key, initialText, isNewEntry);

 * Function to handle Add photo button 'click' event
function addPhotoClick() {
    // Trigger the 'click' event of the hidden file input element
    // (as demonstrated in Block 3 Part 4)
    var inputElement = document.querySelector("#image input");;

 * Function to handle file input 'change' event
 * @param inputChangeEvent file input 'change' event data
function processFile(inputChangeEvent) {
    console.log("processFile called with arguments:", {

    // Create a function to add an image entry using a data URL
    function addImage(data) {
        console.log("addImage called with arguments:", {

        // Add a new image entry, using the current timestamp to make a key
        var key = "diary" +;
        addImageEntry(key, data);

        // TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 1 of 2
        // Make an image item using the given data URL
        // (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
        // Store the item in local storage using the given key
        // (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)

    // Add a 'dummy' image entry

    // Complete this function to read a file when it is selected:
    // (reading files into a data URL using FileReader)
    // (imgElement and messageElement do not exist in this app so remove that code)
    // ...then call addImage using the data URL you obtain
    // ...and comment out line above using window.DUMMY_DATA_URL

    // Clear the file selection (allows selecting the same file again) = "";

 * Show the diary items in local storage as diary entries on the page
function showEntries() {
    console.log("Adding items from local storage to the page");

    // Build a sorted list of keys for diary items
    var diaryKeys = [];

    // Loop through each key in storage by index
    for (var index = 0; index < localStorage.length; index++) {
        var key = localStorage.key(index);

        // If the key begins with "diary", assume it is for a diary entry
        // There may be other data in local storage, so we will ignore that
        if (key.slice(0, 5) == "diary") {
            // Append this key to the list of known diary keys

    // Although browser developer tools show items in key order,
    // their actual order is browser-dependent, so sort the keys,
    // so that our diary entries are shown in the right order!

    // Loop through each diary item in storage by key
    for (var index = 0; index < diaryKeys.length; index++) {
        var key = diaryKeys[index];

        // Assume the item is a JSON string and decode it
        var item = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));

        if (item.type == "text") {
            // Assume the data attribute is text
            addTextEntry(key,, false);
        } else if (item.type == "image") {
            // Assume the data attribute is an image URL
        } else {
            // This should never happen - show an error and give up
            console.error("Unexpected item: " + item);

 * Function to connect event listeners and start the application
function initialize() {
    // A rough check for local storage support
    if (!window.localStorage) {
        // This check is not 100% reliable, but is sufficient for our demo, see e.g.
        // This could be more elegant too, but is sufficient for our demo
        document.querySelector("main").outerHTML =
            "<h1>Error: localStorage not supported!</h1>";

        // Stop the demo

    // Connect the Add entry and Add photo button 'click' events
    var addEntryButton = document.querySelector("#text button");
    addEntryButton.addEventListener("click", addEntryClick);

    // Update the page to reflect stored items

// Connect event listeners and start the application when the page loads
window.addEventListener("load", initialize);
Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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