I'm working on side project and the client want from me to create hero for full screen and should be scrollable horizontally, you can click on the image and swipe from left to right and from right to left.
So from beginning, I have a huge image 5000px x 2000px and eg. on full hd monitor I need to show the image center and user can swipe in horizontal to see the rest of the content.
Should be responsive also for the mobile that height of the hero will be always 100vh and width of that image will calculate proportionally.
here is the video how it should look like:
also is another challenge, that animations should be in this slider, got sequence from Designer to animate, and I need to put that animation in absolute position, for example fire animation.
there is a figma to play with desktop version: https://www.figma.com/proto/87RAbQap8Yeekp0oEsHnti/Dogin-Hood-Prototype?page-id=314%3A163&type=design&node-id=314-172&viewport=834%2C623%2C0.22&t=O4Q5e267S4aTUQuB-1&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=314%3A164&fbclid=IwAR0_CZFbiYo-DYsY5WL3kJTyltH3lOdEEwimeLYQbdLklxXHENa3XpmWe-Y
I'm wondering to use library https://material-you-slider.uiinitiative.com/ but hmm, calculate what is the width of the window and split the image to multiple part?
Also was wondering if I can accomplish it with only CSS but it wasn't good choice.
another thing is that the whole assets for page has 100mb, so is a chance to create preloader in React to load all assets and then show the page? With dom-routing?
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