Unable to resolve KeyError: "Index 'slice(None, None, None)' is not valid for indexed component 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value'"
import pandas as pd
import random as r
import numpy as np
import glpk
from pyomo.environ import *
from amplpy import AMPL
def pyblock(pyp, pytau, pyr, pys):
M = ConcreteModel()
M.m = Set(initialize = list(range(int(len(pyp)))))
M.e = Set(initialize = list(range(int(len(pyr)))))
M.s = Set(initialize = list(range(int(pys))))
M.r = Param(M.e, initialize = pyr)
M.tau = Param(M.m, initialize = pytau)
M.p = Param(M.m, M.e, M.s, initialize = 0)
M.n = Var(M.m, M.e, M.s, domain=NonNegativeIntegers, initialize=0)
def obj(M):
return sum(-log(1-prod((1-pyp[i,j,k])**(M.n[i,j,k]) for j in M.e for k in M.s)) for i in M.m)
M.obj=Objective(rule=obj, sense=minimize)
def fire_rate(M, j, k):
return sum(M.n[i,j,k] for i in M.m) <= M.r[j]
M.fire_rate=Constraint(M.e, M.s, rule = fire_rate)
opt = SolverFactory('mindtpy')
results = opt.solve(
mip_solver = 'cplex',
nlp_solver = 'ipopt',
# results.write()
return M.n.extract_values()
Currently trying to solve this MINLP with pyomo and mindtpy. Parameters are called from R with reticulate. Ipopt solves this with non-integer solutions however I am looking to use mindtpy to provide integer solutions. When I run it, I get the following error:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, call_args$unnamed, call_args$named) : KeyError: "Index 'slice(None, None, None)' is not valid for indexed component 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value'"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77668994/unable-to-resolve-keyerror-index-slicenone-none-none-is-not-valid-for-in
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