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How do I find a tag using BeautifulSoup?

I am trying to scrape a German Billiard League website for results, to tabulate and submit to a rating system that requires a certain format. I am no python expert, but I have muddled through how to pull a complete list of links from the root League page, and to get Date, Home/Visitor teams, and now I am trying to capture individual match data. Here is the relevant HTML: <tr> <td colspan="3" nowrap="" rowspan="2" width="100"><b> Spiel 2<br/>8-Ball </b> </td> <td class="home up" colspan="6" valign="top">Christian Fachinger</td> <td class="visitor up" colspan="7" valign="top">Michael Schneider</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="home down" colspan="6" valign="top">7</td> <td class="visitor down" colspan="7" va

Gmail API: Connection Refused

When calling getCode(), getToken(code), and getEmailData(token) from the below class in succession, I get the error POST http://localhost:9000/api/email net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on const { data: { messagesTotal }, errors, } = await this.gmailClient.users.getProfile({ userId: "me", }); I'm not able to figure out why this is, and it's the case across users, with a throttle, and with the list labels function as well. Anyone know what might be the issue? export default class GmailClient { authClient; gmailClient; SCOPES = [""]; constructor() { //grab the credentials from the json file const credentials = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync("controllers/credentials.json").toString() ); const { client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris } = credentials.web; this.authClient = new google.auth.OAuth2( client_id, client_secret, "http:

How can I resolved syntax error in Moodle?

I have the Eguru theme installed in Moodle, but the images are not displayed. I get this error: Excepción - Call to undefined function error/moodle/generalexceptionmessage What can I do? Thanks for your advice. source

Selenium with brave a chromium based browser(Version 1.33.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I'm a beginner level python programmer, I am currently working on a browser automater using selenium, but currently i'am using brave version 96.0.4664.45 and my chrome driver is'nt working properly, whereas geckodriver is working fine with firfox error here---> Errors with selenium library in python path and all correct with my side Pls help me as soon as possible source

Write sql query in PHP that fetch data randomly one by one from database. but if first record is displayed it does not need to display again [closed]

$sql = "SELECT Name FROM register ORDER BY RAND () Limit 1 BUT First Record Never Display Again if it come first ; "; source

Appropriate permissions for cache cleaninig in laravel 8 / bagisto e-commerce platform

I can't properly clear my store cache *Error handled like:             Make sure you have appropriate permissions for cache clearing However I've give chmod 0777 command "Linux/Ubuntu18.04" to all folders in project directory P.s I'm a newcomer to Laravel)) Thanks a lot! source

Pytest - Mocking property and setter

I'm having a real hard time understanding how to mock a class that has a property and setter fixtures that access a "private" attribute. import pytest from pytest_mock import MockFixture from unittest.mock import MagicMock from typing import List class MyEntity: _my_list: List[str] = [] def __init__(self, list_vals = []): self._my_list = list_vals @property def my_list(self) -> List[str]: return self._my_list @my_list.setter def my_list(self, value: List[str]): self._my_list = value def append(self, value: str): self._my_list.append(value) class Foo: def generate_entity(self, list_vals: List[str]) -> MyEntity: return MyEntity() def set_values(self, entity: MyEntity, list_vals: List[str]) -> MyEntity: entity.my_list = list_vals return entity def add_value(self, entity: MyEntity, value: str) -> MyEntity: entity.append(value) return entity