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Odoo14: Cannot read property 'modelExtension' of undefined

I want to create a new view_type in Odoo 14. I followed these instructions: and also this video:

I have this issue: TypeError: Cannot read property 'modelExtension' of undefined

My JS:

odoo.define("personal_calendar_view.PersonalCalendarView", function(require){

    var AbstractController = require("web.AbstractController");
    var AbstractModel = require("web.AbstractModel");
    var AbstractRenderer = require("web.AbstractRenderer");
    var AbstractView = require("web.AbstractView");
    var ViewRegistry = require("web.view_registry");

    var PersonalCalendarController = AbstractController.extend({});
    var PersonalCalendarRenderer = AbstractRenderer.extend({});
    var PersonalCalendarModel = AbstractModel.extend({});

    var PersonalCalendarView = AbstractView.extend({
        config: {
            Model: PersonalCalendarModel,
            Controller: PersonalCalendarController,
            Renderer: PersonalCalendarRenderer,
        view_type: "personal_calendar",

    ViewRegistry.add("personal_calendar", PersonalCalendarView);

    return PersonalCalendarView;

My python:

class View(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'ir.ui.view'

    type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('personal_calendar', 'Personal calendar'),('general_calendar', 'General calendar')])

class ActWindowView(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'ir.actions.act_window.view'

    view_mode = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('personal_calendar', 'Personal calendar'),('general_calendar', 'General calendar')], ondelete={'personal_calendar': 'cascade','general_calendar':'cascade'})

And my XML:

<record id="view_planning_personal_calendar" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">planning.scheduler.personal.calendar</field>
        <field name="model">planning.scheduler</field>
        <field name="mode">primary</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <field name="name"/>
                <field name="user_id"/>
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_personal_schedule">
        <field name="name">Personal Schedule</field>
        <field name="res_model">planning.scheduler</field>
        <field name="view_mode">personal_calendar</field>
        <field name="view_id" ref="view_planning_personal_calendar"/>

The stacktrace is:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'modelExtension' of undefined
    at Class.init (web.assets_backend.js:1262)
    at Class.prototype.<computed> [as init] (web.assets_common.js:4632)
    at new Class (web.assets_common.js:4633)
    at Class._createViewController (web.assets_backend.js:452)
    at web.assets_backend.js:457
init @ web.assets_backend.js:1262
prototype.<computed> @ web.assets_common.js:4632
Class @ web.assets_common.js:4633
_createViewController @ web.assets_backend.js:452
(anonymous) @ web.assets_backend.js:457
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:1621
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1605
fireWith @ web.assets_common.js:1611
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1612
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1605
fireWith @ web.assets_common.js:1611
mightThrow @ web.assets_common.js:1618
process @ web.assets_common.js:1618
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:1621
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1605
fireWith @ web.assets_common.js:1611
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1612
fire @ web.assets_common.js:1605
fireWith @ web.assets_common.js:1611
done @ web.assets_common.js:2013
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:2026
load (async)
send @ web.assets_common.js:2026
ajax @ web.assets_common.js:2005
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:4587
_genericJsonRpc @ web.assets_common.js:4582
jsonRpc @ web.assets_common.js:4587
rpc @ web.assets_common.js:4588
query @ web.assets_common.js:4826
load_views @ web.assets_backend.js:597
load_views @ web.assets_backend.js:490
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:4774
trigger @ web.assets_common.js:4772
_trigger_up @ web.assets_common.js:4778
_trigger_up @ web.assets_common.js:4778
trigger_up @ web.assets_common.js:4778
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:4842
loadViews @ web.assets_common.js:4842
_loadViews @ web.assets_backend.js:461
_executeWindowAction @ web.assets_backend.js:453
_handleAction @ web.assets_backend.js:459
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:4635
_handleAction @ web.assets_backend.js:479
(anonymous) @ web.assets_common.js:4635
(anonymous) @ web.assets_backend.js:421
Promise.then (async)
doAction @ web.assets_backend.js:421
do_action @ web.assets_backend.js:494
(anonymous) @ web.assets_backend.js:509
Promise.then (async)
on_hashchange @ web.assets_backend.js:509
new_handler @ web.assets_backend.js:313
dispatch @ web.assets_common.js:1726
elemData.handle @ web.assets_common.js:1712

Did someone had an idea?

Via Active questions tagged javascript - Stack Overflow


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