I have been working on the Quick Math command, it works like this: I execute it, it sends a problem in chat, and whoever sends the correct answer wins.
But as you can see, it doesn't see my 46 message, ignores it, and after 30 seconds sends "No one answered!"
My code is:
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const Discord = require("discord.js")
module.exports = {
name: "game",
description: "smth",
aliases: ["gamestart", "startgame"],
permissions: ["MANAGE_MESSAGES"],
timeout: 10000,
execute: async (client, message, args) => {
var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1
var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1
var ab = await a + b
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(":chart_with_downwards_trend: Quick Math")
.setDescription(`Solve the problem below and get XP.\n\n\`${a}\` + \`${b}\` = **???**`)
const msg = await message.channel.send(embed)
try {
let filter = (m) => {
if (m.author.bot) return;
if (m.channel.id == msg.channel.id && m.content === ab) return true;
else {
return false;
let res = await msg.channel.awaitMessages(filter, {
time: 30000,
errors: ["time"],
if (res) {
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(":chart_with_downwards_trend: Quick Math")
.setDescription(`The correct answer was \`${ab}\`\n\nThe winner is **you**!`)
} catch (err) {
"No one answered!"
The console gives no error and looks like this: 46
This is really weird and I ask for your help. Thanks in advance.
Update: (after changing === to ==)
Console logs:
Collection [Map] {
'903319414777188413' => ExtendedMessage {
channel: ExtendedTextChannel {
type: 'text',
deleted: false,
id: '859482526364336160',
name: 'rice-bot-testing',
rawPosition: 37,
parentID: '836281677994786846',
permissionOverwrites: [Collection [Map]],
topic: null,
nsfw: false,
lastMessageID: '903319414777188413',
rateLimitPerUser: 5,
lastPinTimestamp: 1624987887000,
guild: [Guild],
messages: [MessageManager],
_typing: Map {}
deleted: false,
id: '903319414777188413',
type: 'DEFAULT',
system: false,
content: '49',
author: User {
id: '713008151661772812',
system: null,
locale: null,
flags: [UserFlags],
username: '8less',
bot: false,
discriminator: '8719',
avatar: 'fb2c5843579f14c38b542349cfa5a256',
lastMessageID: '903319414777188413',
lastMessageChannelID: '859482526364336160'
pinned: false,
tts: false,
nonce: '903319413787197440',
embeds: [],
attachments: Collection [Map] {},
createdTimestamp: 1635438531346,
editedTimestamp: 0,
reactions: ReactionManager {
cacheType: [class Collection extends Collection],
cache: Collection [Map] {},
message: [Circular]
mentions: MessageMentions {
everyone: false,
users: Collection [Map] {},
roles: Collection [Map] {},
_members: Collection [Map] {},
_channels: Collection [Map] {},
crosspostedChannels: Collection [Map] {}
webhookID: null,
application: null,
activity: null,
_edits: [],
flags: MessageFlags { bitfield: 0 },
reference: null,
components: []
Make sure that Collection [Map] {}
part is logged after 30000 ms is out.
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