I am a bit stuck here because I can't figure out why this does not work. When i try to run the code then it says "ReferenceError: item is not defined" - but I thought that by writing "let item" I am defining it. Any idea what the problem is here ?
- i know the code looks a bit more complicated than necessary but i need to do it like that.
class Graph {
constructor() {
this.nodes = new Set();
this.edges = new Set();
let e = new Edge (m,n)
var allEdges = new Set();
for (let item of this.edges){
if (allEdges.has(e.startpoint.nodeName,e.endpoint.nodeName)){
console.log("first OCL Constraint")
} else if(allEdges.has(e.endpoint.nodeName,e.startpoint.nodeName){
console.log("second OCL Constraint")}
else {
class Edge {
constructor(startpoint,endpoint) {
this.startpoint = startpoint;
this.endpoint = endpoint;
class Node {
constructor(nodeName) {
this.nodeName = nodeName
node1 = new Node (1);
node2 = new Node (2);
node3 = new Node (3);
node4 = new Node (4);
node5 = new Node (5);
myTestGraph = new Graph();
Thanks in advance :)
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