python: create and save in a class? get that data from that class. search and maybe filter in that class?
im fairly new to python, to set the expectations.
I prepared examples to show what i did and then what i want to do.
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self,wheels,hp,type):
self.wheels = wheels # number of wheels
self.hp = hp # horsepower
self.type = type # type of vehicle
from example_class import Vehicle as VH
veh1 = VH(4,100,'car')
veh2 = VH(2,70,'motorbike')
that does work in regards that i can create veh-objects (its called objects then, right?)
so, what i wanna achieve here is that i have that data of those vehicles already in that example_class, or at least that i have it stored in something like that. how i understood it, the class is good to create my own kind of data structure. So it should not be the same "space" where i save that data, nor where i can call it from. so i think that would be wrong:
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self,wheels,hp,type):
self.wheels = wheels # number of wheels
self.hp = hp # horsepower
self.type = type # type of vehicle
def vroomvroom(self):
veh1 = VH(4,100,'car')
veh2 = VH(2,70,'motorbike')
if that is correct, then i got confused how i do access it. and referring to the topic, would i be able to search and filter within there? i did watch a few tutorials and such, but .... its hard to get a grip on all that stuff and what do i actually need for the stuff i want to do is a little beyond me. i am not sure if a decorator would be the solution, because that concept is beyond me right now. Sorry in advance for such a lowly question :/
edit: i should note, that my first idea was to save, store and load data in exel files using for example openpyxl. but than i thougt when i establish a data-structure it could be easier?
edit 2: at the end i wanted to access the data something like this.
veh = vehicle(2).hp # which would be 70
i come from matlab, hence the "(2)", which i wanted to indicate that i wanted to access the 2nd dataset/row and from that the hp-value
edit 3: i shall limit it to a specific problem, but they are conncted. if i cant do it in a class, then the question regarding the class are redundant. i could make seperate posts, but then it can happen that the answer in one, make the other questions useless. am i doing it wrong ?
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