Learning react testing by coding (react testing library and jest), here i'm testing adding new camera, initial length before adding should be 3, but here console.log("initialLength", initialLength); it gives me 0, thats why also in testing it gives " Expected: > 0 Received: 0". My question is why it shows initialLength to be 0 ? if i check console in my component
console.log("storedd:", store.getState().cameras.length); i get:
in my component i can add new cam without any problem.
this part (also clicking submit button) works :
expect(name).toBeInTheDocument(); fireEvent.change(name, { target: { value: "Cam 2" } }); expect(name).toHaveValue("Cam 2");
so why initialLength which is 3, it shows to be 0 and how to fix it to take 3 and not 0 ?
English is not my mother language so could be mistakes, any advice is appreciated.
describe("Testing Cam", () => {
const rendercam = (): RenderResult =>
<Provider store={store}>
test("Testing renderCams", () => {
const initialLength = store.getState().cameras.length;
console.log("initialLength", initialLength);
const name = screen.getByTestId(/^Name/i);
fireEvent.change(name, { target: { value: "Cam 2" } });
expect(name).toHaveValue("Cam 2");
let submitButton = screen.getByTestId("submit");
new MouseEvent("click", {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
let cameras = store.getState().cameras.length;
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