I have an app which uses AWS Lambda functions to store images in a AWS PostgreSQL RDS as bytea file types.
The app is written in javascript and allows users to upload an image (typically small).
Currently I am not concerned about what format the images are in, although if it makes storage and retrieval easier I could add restrictions.
I am using python to query my database and post and retrieve these files.
INSERT INTO images (logo, background_image, uuid) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}') ON CONFLICT (uuid) DO UPDATE SET logo='{0}', background_image='{1}';".format(data['logo'], data['background_image'], data['id']);
and when I want to retrieve the images:
"SELECT logo, background_image FROM clients AS c JOIN images AS i ON c.id = i.uuid WHERE c.id = '{0}';".format(id);
I try to return this data to the frontend:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(response_list),
'headers': {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*"
I get the following error: Object of type memoryview is not JSON serializable
So I have a two part question. First, the images are files being uploaded by a customer (typically they are logos or background images). Does it make sense to store these in my database as bytea files? Or is there a better way to store image uploads.
Second, how do I go about retrieving these files and converting them into a format usable by my front end.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73822668/retrieve-and-send-a-postico-bytea-image
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