I have storage container where data is in multiple folders with date appended at the end. (below)
"dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-01/parquet files here"
"dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-02/parquet files here"
"dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-03/parquet files here"
"dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-04/parquet files here"
"dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-05/parquet files here"
It works fine with good performance if I try to read the data from one folder. example:
df = spark.read.parquet("dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-01-05/")
But I have situation when I need to load the data for multiple days into dataframe (mostly weekly basis). For that I pull all data and then use temp view to filter based on folderLoadDate which one of the column in parquet files. In that case, it works but takes forever to run while it scans all the folder and do transformations, I think. Example:
df = spark.read.parquet("dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/pro_2023-*/")
df = there are few transformations and new columns added to df before I create temp view below
df.createOrReplaceTempView ("Alldata")
then run spark sql
%sql select * from Alldata where cast(FolderDate as date) BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-07'
Is there a way I can pull the data for needed dates into df at very first step? something like
df = spark.read.parquet("dbfs:/mnt/input/raw/extract/BETWEEN(pro_2023-2023-01-01 and pro_2023-01-01")
Any help is appreciated..
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76327404/fetch-multiple-folders-data-into-dataframe-for-given-dates
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