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Why previous page only works if there's 2 pages (Google Drive API)

I've encountered a problem, probably it's not something huge. So basically I'm using Google Drive API to retrieve files from drive and I want to make pagination, I managed to do next page just fine, but the problem rised when I tried implementing Previous Page button. Imanaged to make it work, but now if there's 2 pages it works just fine, but if there's more than 2, for example, if there are 3 pages, if I go to 3rd page, click Previous Page button, it takes me to 2nd page, but then there's no "previousPageToken" so button is not appearing at all. Should I store tokens in an array or something like that? Here is the code:

let currentPageToken = null;
let previousPageToken = null;

async function listFiles(folderId, pageToken = null) {
  isListFilesInProgress = true; // Set the flag to indicate listFiles() is in progress

  // Disable the button during listFiles() execution
  $('#show_files_button').prop('disabled', true);

  const request = {
    q: `'${folderId}' in parents`,
    pageSize: 10,
    fields: 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, mimeType, thumbnailLink, webContentLink, modifiedTime)',
    pageToken: pageToken, // Pass the pageToken to retrieve the next page
    .then(function (response) {
      var files = response.result.files;
      if (files && files.length > 0) {
        var table = document.createElement('table');
        table.classList.add('table', 'table-striped'); = 'table_content';

        var thead = document.createElement('thead');
        var headerRow = document.createElement('tr');
        var header1 = document.createElement('th');
        header1.textContent = 'Thumbnail';
        var header2 = createSortableHeader('Name', 'name');
        var header3 = createSortableHeader('Type', 'mimeType');
        var header4 = createSortableHeader('Last Updated', 'modifiedTime');
        var header5 = document.createElement('th');
        header5.textContent = 'Download';


        var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
        for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
          (function (file) {
            var fileName =;
            var mimeType = file.mimeType;
            var thumbnailLink = file.thumbnailLink;
            var downloadLink = file.webContentLink;
            var lastUpdated = new Date(file.modifiedTime).toLocaleString();
            var fileId =;

            var row = document.createElement('tr');

            var thumbnailCell = createThumbnailCell(thumbnailLink, mimeType, fileId);

            var nameCell = document.createElement('td');
            nameCell.textContent = fileName;

            var typeCell = document.createElement('td');
            typeCell.textContent = mimeType;

            var lastUpdatedCell = document.createElement('td');
            lastUpdatedCell.textContent = lastUpdated;

            if (mimeType != 'application/') {
              var downloadCell = document.createElement('td');
              var downloadLinkElem = document.createElement('a');
              downloadLinkElem.href = downloadLink;
              downloadLinkElem.textContent = 'Download';
              downloadLinkElem.classList.add('btn', 'btn-primary');
     = '_blank';

            // Add click event listener to navigate into folders
            if (mimeType === 'application/') {
              row.addEventListener('click', function () {
                var folderId =;



        // Remove existing Next Page and Previous Page buttons

        // Add Next Page button if there is a nextPageToken
        const nextPageToken = response.result.nextPageToken;
        if (nextPageToken) {
          const nextPageButton = document.createElement('button');
          nextPageButton.textContent = 'Next Page';
          nextPageButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-primary', 'next-page-button');
          nextPageButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
            listFiles(folderId, nextPageToken); // Call listFiles() with the nextPageToken


        // Add Previous Page button if there is a pageToken
        if (pageToken) {
          const previousPageButton = document.createElement('button');
          previousPageButton.textContent = 'Previous Page';
          previousPageButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-primary', 'previous-page-button');
          previousPageButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
            listFiles(folderId); // Call listFiles() without the pageToken to go back to the previous page

    .finally(function () {
      isListFilesInProgress = false;
      $('#show_files_button').prop('disabled', false);

To sum up, I can only go back one page and it stops there, therefore I can go to next page just fine, because there is always a token for next page.

Thank you in advance!

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