So I'm implementing a feature in my react web app, and in one of the Views, I have a button that takes 2 HTMLElements and display them in 2 pages in a PDF, but I would like one of them to stay hidden. The problem is that while hidden, PDFjs does not render it. Same happens when trying to set it to position:'absolute' and smth like '-999999px'.
This is the piece of code responsible for capturing and saving:
const downloadIt = () => {
const blackboard = document.getElementById('blackboard') as HTMLElement;
const descriptionList = document.getElementById('elementDescriptions') as HTMLElement;
const width = blackboard.offsetWidth;
const height = blackboard.offsetHeight;
const aspectRatio = width / height;
html2canvas(blackboard).then((canvas) => {
const pdf = new jsPDF();
const imageData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
const pdfHeight = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth() * (1 / aspectRatio);
pdf.text(comp.title, 8, 8);
pdf.addImage(imageData, 'PNG', 15, 15, pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 20, pdfHeight);
// Add the descriptionList to the PDF
if (descriptionList) {
html2canvas(descriptionList).then((descCanvas) => {
const descData = descCanvas.toDataURL('image/png');
const descAspectRatio = descCanvas.width / descCanvas.height;
const descWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 190; // Adjust the margins as needed
const descHeight = descWidth * (1 / descAspectRatio);
pdf.addImage(descData, 'PNG', 15, 15, descWidth, descHeight);`${comp.title}.pdf`);
} else {`${comp.title}.pdf`);
The one I'd like to hide is the one called descriptionList, just a simple div with some Cards inside.
I've tried moving it out of the way, but it keeps giving me an error of corrupt PNG file passed to PDFjs
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