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I can't find a table using bs4, and I found an alternative using `re`, but I'm not sure how to get the information I need

I wanted to create a dictionary where I would pull the holdings as the key along with the Weight(%) as the value. But when I try to use soup.find('table', {'id' : 'etf_holding_table'}) to access the table, nothing shows up. I saw some posts saying that it might be inside a comment and tried to copy a few ways things were done there, but I wasn't able to do so successfully.

I ended up finding someone's response to a way to pull ticker information using re, but I can't seem to find any good resources explaining what his code was doing.
Here is the post I copied code from to get the ticker.

import requests
import re

keys = ['ARKK']
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0"}
url = ''

with requests.Session() as req:
        for key in keys:
            r = req.get(url.format(key))
            goal = re.findall(r'etf\\\/(.*?)\\', r.text)
['TSLA', 'TDOC', 'COIN', 'ROKU', 'U', 'ZM', 'SPOT', 'SQ', 'SHOP', 'PATH', 'TWLO', 'EXAS', 'NTLA', 'Z', 'PLTR', 'CRSP', 'TWTR', 'BEAM', 'DKNG', 'NVTA', 'FATE', 'TXG', 'DOCU', 'HOOD', 'PACB', 'PD', 'IRDM', 'TSP', 'DNA', 'TWST', 'VCYT', 'SGFY', 'SKLZ', 'EDIT', 'TWOU', 'IOVA', 'SSYS', 'TRMB', 'BLI', 'MTLS', 'CERS', 'CGEN', 'PRLB', 'NSTG']

By playing around a little with the re.findall() I was sort of able to get the information I wanted (highlighted in yellow), but I'm not sure how to get the numbers I need now. messing around

I'd very much appreciate some good resources on understanding and using re as I clearly don't understand too well what I'm doing, or how to get the information I need. I would message the poster I got the code from, but it seems as though you can't message someone on Stack Overflow.



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